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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2I, 3O, R and S

COLORISATIONcolorisation n. The process of converting to color.
CONIDIOSPOREconidiospore n. (Biology) A unicellular spore produced asexually by a fungus.
CONIDIOSPORE n. a conidium.
HISTORIOLOGYhistoriology n. (Obsolete) a discourse on history.
HISTORIOLOGY n. the study of history.
IONOPHORESISionophoresis n. The movement of charged particles in an electric field.
ionophoresis n. Misspelling of iontophoresis.
IONOPHORESIS n. the migration of charged particles, e.g. of a drug, into body tissue.
MOTORISATIONmotorisation n. Alternative spelling of motorization.
MOTORISATION n. the act of motorising, also MOTORIZATION.
ONEIROLOGIESoneirologies n. Plural of oneirology.
ONEIROLOGY n. the study of dreams.
OOPHORITISESOOPHORITIS n. inflammation of the ovaries.
OPINIONATORSopinionators n. Plural of opinionator.
OPINIONATOR n. one who holds or gives an opinion.
ORISMOLOGIESORISMOLOGY n. the science of defining technical terms.
OVARIOTOMIESovariotomies n. Plural of ovariotomy.
OVARIOTOMY n. the operation of removing one or both of the ovaries, aka oophorectomy.
OVARIOTOMISTovariotomist n. (Surgery, now historical) Someone who performs a ovariotomy.
OVARIOTOMIST n. one who carries out ovariotomies.
PRODITORIOUSproditorious adj. (Obsolete) Treacherous, traitorous.
PRODITORIOUS adj. traitorous; prone to give away secrets.
PROPOSITIONSpropositions n. Plural of proposition.
propositions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of proposition.
PROPOSITION v. to make a proposal to.
RADIOISOTOPEradioisotope n. (Physics) a radioactive isotope of an element.
RADIOISOTOPE n. a radioactive isotope.
ROBOTISATIONrobotisation n. Alternative spelling of robotization.
ROBOTISATION n. the act of causing a job to be done by robots, also ROBOTIZATION.
SOTERIOLOGICsoteriologic adj. Synonym of soteriological.
SOTERIOLOGIC adj. relating to soteriology, the theological doctrine of salvation, also SOTERIOLOGICAL.
STORIOLOGIESSTORIOLOGY n. the study of folk tales.
STORIOLOGISTstoriologist n. One who studies folk tales.
STORIOLOGIST n. a folklorist.
TROPHOBIOSIStrophobiosis n. (Zoology) A symbiotic association in which one organism obtains or provides food for another.
TROPHOBIOSIS n. exchange of nutriment in symbiotic relationship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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