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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2I, N, 2S, T and Z

ANTISYZYGIESantisyzygies n. Plural of antisyzygy.
ANTISYZYGY n. a union of opposites.
CANISTERIZEScanisterizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of canisterize.
CANISTERIZE v. to put into a canister, also CANISTERISE.
CITIZENESSEScitizenesses n. Plural of citizeness.
CITIZENESS n. a female citizen.
CITIZENSHIPScitizenships n. Plural of citizenship.
CITIZENSHIP n. the status of being a citizen.
DESENSITIZEDdesensitized v. Simple past tense and past participle of desensitize.
DESENSITIZE v. to make insensitive, also DESENSITISE.
DESENSITIZERdesensitizer n. Anything that desensitizes.
desensitizer n. Any substance applied to the non-image part of a lithographic plate so that ink will not stick to it.
DESENSITIZER n. an agent that desensitizes, also DESENSITISER.
DESENSITIZESdesensitizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of desensitize.
DESENSITIZE v. to make insensitive, also DESENSITISE.
DISTHRONIZESdisthronizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disthronize.
DISTHRONIZE v. (Spenser) to dethrone, also DISTHRONISE.
ESSENTIALIZEessentialize v. (Transitive) To reduce (something) to its essence.
essentialize v. (Transitive) To misrepresent (something) by oversimplifying a summary of its essence.
essentialize v. (Transitive) To misrepresent (a characteristic of something) by falsely portraying it as essential to…
GLITZINESSESGLITZINESS n. the quality of being glitzy.
OZONISATIONSozonisations n. Plural of ozonisation.
OZONISATION n. the act of treating with ozone, also OZONATION, OZONIZATION.
RESENSITIZEDresensitized v. Simple past tense and past participle of resensitize.
resensitized adj. Sensitized again (especially following desensitization).
RESENSITIZE v. to sensitize again.
RESENSITIZESresensitizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resensitize.
RESENSITIZE v. to sensitize again.
RIGHTSIZINGSRIGHTSIZING n. the act of adapting an organisation to an appropriate size by means of redundancies.
SCRUTINIZERSscrutinizers n. Plural of scrutinizer.
SCRUTINIZER n. one who scrutinizes, also SCRUTINISER.
SOLMIZATIONSsolmizations n. Plural of solmization.
SOLMIZATION n. a recital of the notes of the gamut, also SOLMISATION.
STYLIZATIONSstylizations n. Plural of stylization.
STYLIZATION n. the act of stylizing, also STYLISATION.
SUZERAINTIESsuzerainties n. Plural of suzerainty.
SUZERAINTY n. the dominion or authority of a suzerain.
SYNTHESIZINGsynthesizing v. Present participle of synthesize.
synthesizing n. An act of making synthesis.
SYNTHESIZE v. to combine or produce by synthesis, also SYNTHESISE.
UNSENSITIZEDunsensitized adj. Not sensitized.
UNSENSITIZED adj. not sensitized, also UNSENSITISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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