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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2I, L and 4S

DISGUISELESSdisguiseless adj. Without disguise.
DISGUISELESS adj. without a disguise.
FLIMSINESSESflimsinesses n. Plural of flimsiness.
FLIMSINESS n. the state of being flimsy.
GRISLINESSESgrislinesses n. Plural of grisliness.
GRISLINESS n. the state of being grisly.
PITILESSNESSpitilessness n. The condition of being pitiless.
PITILESSNESS n. the state of being pitiless.
POSSIBILISMSpossibilisms n. Plural of possibilism.
POSSIBILISM n. the policy of confining efforts to what is immediately possible or practicable.
POSSIBILISTSpossibilists n. Plural of possibilist.
POSSIBILIST n. an adherent of possibilism.
SALPIGLOSSISsalpiglossis n. Any of several plants, of the genus Salpiglossis]], that have variegated, funnel-shaped blossoms in…
Salpiglossis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – certain flowering plants.
SALPIGLOSSIS n. any plant of the genus Salpiglossis, some of which bear bright trumpet-shaped flowers.
SCISSORTAILSscissortails n. Plural of scissortail.
SCISSORTAIL n. an American flycatcher.
SEMICLASSICSsemiclassics n. Plural of semiclassic.
SEMICLASSIC n. a semiclassical work.
SICKLINESSESsicklinesses n. Plural of sickliness.
SICKLINESS n. the state of being sickly.
SISTERLINESSsisterliness n. The property of being sisterly.
SISTERLINESS n. the state of being sisterly.
SLINKINESSESSLINKINESS n. the state of being slinky.
SLIPPINESSESSLIPPINESS n. the state of being slippy.
STILTINESSESSTILTINESS n. the quality of being stilted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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