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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 8 twelve-letter words containing 3I, O, T, U and Z

CUTINIZATIONcutinization n. (Botany) The conversion of cell walls into a material that repels water, as in cork.
CUTINIZATION n. the formation of cutin, also CUTINISATION.
FLUIDIZATIONfluidization n. The act or process of fluidizing.
FLUIDIZATION n. the act of fluidizing, also FLUIDISATION.
IMMUNIZATIONimmunization n. (US, uncountable) The process by which an individual is safely exposed in a controlled manner to a material…
immunization n. (US, countable) One such exposure.
IMMUNIZATION n. the act of immunizing, also IMMUNISATION.
MOISTURIZINGmoisturizing v. Present participle of moisturize.
moisturizing n. The act of making something moist; especially, of a cosmetic, making the skin or hair less dry.
moisturizing adj. That moisturizes.
UNIONIZATIONunionization n. (Politics) The act of forming a labor union.
unionization n. (Chemistry, rare, nonstandard) Synonym of deionization.
UNIONIZATION n. the act of forming a union, also UNIONISATION.
UNITIZATIONSunitizations n. Plural of unitization.
UNITIZATION n. the act of unitizing, also UNITISATION.
UTILIZATIONSutilizations n. Plural of utilization.
UTILIZATION n. the act of utilizing, also UTILISATION.
UTOPIANIZINGutopianizing v. Present participle of utopianize.
UTOPIANIZE v. to make Utopian, also UTOPIANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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