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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 3I, N, 2T and Z

ATTITUDINIZEattitudinize v. (Intransitive) To assume an affected, unnatural exaggerated attitude or pose.
attitudinize v. (Transitive) To cause to assume a pose.
attitudinize v. (Transitive) To give the appearance of, make a show of by posing.
CITIZENLIESTCITIZENLY adj. like a citizen.
CUTINIZATIONcutinization n. (Botany) The conversion of cell walls into a material that repels water, as in cork.
CUTINIZATION n. the formation of cutin, also CUTINISATION.
DIGITIZATIONdigitization n. (Computing) The conversion of data or information from analog to digital or binary.
digitization n. (Computing) Hence, the transformation of a process or system from mainly analogue form to digital form.
DIGITIZATION n. the process of making digital, also DIGITISATION.
ITEMIZATIONSitemizations n. Plural of itemization.
ITEMIZATION n. the act of itemizing, also ITEMISATION.
LATINIZATIONlatinization n. (Nonstandard) Alternative letter-case form of Latinization.
Latinization n. The act or process of Latinizing, of making Latin.
LATINIZATION n. conversion into Latin, also LATINISATION.
OPTIMIZATIONoptimization n. The design and operation of a system or process to make it as good as possible in some defined sense.
optimization n. (Programming) The reduction of a program or algorithm to its most efficient form, as during compilation…
OPTIMIZATION n. the act of optimizing, also OPTIMISATION.
SANITIZATIONsanitization n. The act of sanitizing something.
sanitization n. The process of editing a security-classified document in order to reduce its classification level.
SANITIZATION n. the act of sanitizing, also SANITISATION.
SATIRIZATIONsatirization n. The act or process of satirizing.
SATIRIZATION n. the process of satirizing, also SATIRISATION.
STIGMATIZINGstigmatizing v. Present participle of stigmatize.
STIGMATIZE v. to mark with a stigma, or brand; as, the ancients stigmatized their slaves and soldiers, also STIGMATISE.
UNITIZATIONSunitizations n. Plural of unitization.
UNITIZATION n. the act of unitizing, also UNITISATION.
UTILIZATIONSutilizations n. Plural of utilization.
UTILIZATION n. the act of utilizing, also UTILISATION.
VITALIZATIONvitalization n. The act of vitalizing; enlivenment; vivification.
VITALIZATION n. the act of making vital, also VITALISATION.
ZWITTERIONICzwitterionic adj. Of or pertaining to a zwitterion.
ZWITTERIONIC adj. of or like a zwitterion, an ion carrying both a positive and negative charge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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