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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing I, 2P, R, 2S and U

MUDSKIPPERSmudskippers n. Plural of mudskipper.
MUDSKIPPER n. a fish of mud flats and mangrove swamps, also MUDHOPPER.
PERIPATUSESperipatuses n. Plural of peripatus.
PERIPATUS n. a member of the genus Peripatus, having both arthropod and annelid characteristics.
PERSPICUOUSperspicuous adj. Clearly expressed, easy to understand; lucid.
perspicuous adj. (Logic) Of a language or notation, such as that of formal propositional calculus: where the process…
perspicuous adj. (Rare) Transparent; translucent.
POPULARISESpopularises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of popularise.
POPULARISE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARIZE.
POPULARISMSSorry, definition not available.
PROPULSIONSpropulsions n. Plural of propulsion.
PROPULSION n. the act of propelling.
PURSERSHIPSpurserships n. Plural of pursership.
PURSERSHIP n. the office of purser.
SUPERIMPOSEsuperimpose v. To place an object over another object, usually in such a way that both will be visible.
superimpose v. (Geology) To establish a structural system over, independently of underlying structures.
SUPERIMPOSE v. to place or lay over or above something.
SUPERPOSINGsuperposing v. Present participle of superpose.
SUPERPOSE v. to place above or on something else.
SUPERPRAISEsuperpraise v. (Obsolete, rare) To overpraise; to praise highly.
SUPERPRAISE v. to give very high praise.
SUPERSCRIPTsuperscript n. (Typography) A type of lettering form that appears as a number, figure, or symbol above the normal line…
superscript adj. Placed above the normal line of text.
superscript v. (Mathematics, sciences, typography, transitive, of a variable) To provide with a superscript.
SUPPERTIMESsuppertimes n. Plural of suppertime.
supper-times n. Plural of supper-time.
supper␣times n. Plural of supper time.
SUPPORTINGSsupportings n. Plural of supporting.
SUPPORTING n. the act of supporting.
SUPPOSITORYsuppository n. (Medicine) A medicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity, especially…
SUPPOSITORY n. a solid but readily meltable cone or cylinder of usually medicated material for insertion into a bodily passage or cavity, as the rectum.
SUPPRESSINGsuppressing v. Present participle of suppress.
suppressing n. The act by which something is suppressed; a suppression.
SUPPRESS v. to subdue or hold back.
SUPPRESSIONsuppression n. The act or instance of suppressing.
suppression n. The state of being suppressed.
suppression n. (Psychology) A process in which a person consciously excludes anxiety-producing thoughts, feelings, or memories.
SUPPRESSIVEsuppressive adj. That serves to suppress.
SUPPRESSIVE adj. serving to suppress.
UMPIRESHIPSumpireships n. Plural of umpireship.
UMPIRESHIP n. umpirage; arbitrament.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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