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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing I, N, O, P, T, U and Y

AUDIOTYPINGaudiotyping n. Alternative form of audio typing.
audio␣typing n. The work of an audio typist, listening to a sound recording and transcribing it into text by typing.
AUDIOTYPING n. typing directly from a dictating machine.
CONSPICUITYconspicuity n. The property of being clearly discernible.
conspicuity n. The state or quality of being clear or bright; brightness; conspicuousness.
CONSPICUITY n. the state of being conspicuous.
HYPONITROUShyponitrous adj. Of or pertaining to hyponitrous acid or its derivatives.
HYPONITROUS adj. containing or derived from nitrogen having a lower valence than in nitrous compounds.
IMPORTUNACYimportunacy n. The quality of being importunate.
importunacy n. Constant demanding and pressure; importunity.
IMPORTUNACY n. the state of being importunate.
IMPORTUNELYimportunely adv. (Obsolete) In an importune manner.
IMPORTUNE adv. importunate.
IMPORTUNITYimportunity n. A constant and insistent demanding.
importunity n. (Obsolete) An inappropriate or unsuitable time; unseasonableness.
IMPORTUNITY n. the state of being importunate.
INCORRUPTLYincorruptly adv. Without corruption.
INCORRUPT adv. not corrupt, also UNCORRUPT.
INCULPATORYinculpatory adj. That causes someone to be blamed for something.
INCULPATORY adj. tending to inculpate, also INCULPATIVE.
OPPORTUNITYopportunity n. A chance for advancement, progress or profit.
opportunity n. A favorable circumstance or occasion.
opportunity n. (Nonstandard, Euro-English) opportuneness.
OUTPSYCHINGoutpsyching v. Present participle of outpsych.
outpsyching v. Present participle of outpsyche.
OUTPSYCH v. to defeat by psychological means.
PENDULOSITYpendulosity n. The state or quality of being pendulous.
PENDULOSITY n. the state of being pendulous.
POURTRAYINGpourtraying v. Present participle of pourtray.
POURTRAY v. (Spenser) to portray, also PORTRAY.
PROPINQUITYpropinquity n. Nearness or proximity.
propinquity n. Affiliation or similarity.
PROPINQUITY n. nearness in space, time or relationship.
UNIPOLARITYunipolarity n. The condition of being unipolar.
UNIPOLARITY n. the state of being unipolar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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