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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing I, M, O, 2P, R and T

AMPHIPROTICamphiprotic adj. (Chemistry) Able to both donate and accept a proton, and thus able to react both as an acid and a base; amphoteric.
AMPHIPROTIC adj. having both protophilic (basic) and protogenic (acidic) properties.
APOTROPAISMapotropaism n. (Religion, mysticism) The use of ritual or other magical means (including charms and/or incantations)…
APOTROPAISM n. a magical practice averting evil.
APPROXIMATEapproximate adj. Approaching; proximate; nearly resembling.
approximate adj. Nearing correctness; nearly exact; not perfectly accurate.
approximate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To estimate.
COPPERSMITHcoppersmith n. A person who forges things out of copper.
coppersmith n. A South Asian barbet, Psilopogon haemacephala, with crimson forehead and throat, best known for its…
Coppersmith prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
IMPROPERESTimproperest adj. Superlative form of improper: most improper.
IMPROPER adj. not proper.
IMPROPRIATEimpropriate v. (Transitive, obsolete) To appropriate for private use.
impropriate v. (Transitive) In ecclesiastical law, to place (ecclesiastical property) under control or management of a layperson.
impropriate adj. Of ecclesiastical property: placed under the control or management of a layperson.
IMPROPRIETYimpropriety n. (Uncountable) The condition of being improper.
impropriety n. (Countable) An improper act.
impropriety n. Improper language.
IPRATROPIUMipratropium n. An anticholinergic drug C20H30NO3+ that is used as an inhalational aerosol for bronchodilation especially…
IPRATROPIUM n. a bronchodilator drug used in the treatment of asthma.
MALAPROPISTmalapropist n. One who utters malapropisms.
MALAPROPIST n. one who commits malapropisms.
MICROPIPETSmicropipets n. Plural of micropipet.
MICROPIPET n. a very fine pipet, also MICROPIPETTE.
OPPORTUNISMopportunism n. The practice of taking advantage of any situations or people to achieve an end, often with no regard…
OPPORTUNISM n. the practice of regulating actions by favourable opportunities rather than consistent principles.
PITTOSPORUMpittosporum n. Any plant of the genus Pittosporum, various Old World shrubs and trees.
Pittosporum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pittosporaceae – certain of trees called cheesewoods.
PITTOSPORUM n. any of numerous chiefly subtropical evergreen shrubs or small trees.
POSTPRIMARYpostprimary adj. After primary school.
postprimary adj. (Politics) After a primary election.
POSTPRIMARY adj. taking place after primary (election).
PREEMPTIONSpreemptions n. Plural of preemption.
preëmptions n. Plural of preëmption.
pre-emptions n. Plural of pre-emption.
PRESUMPTIONpresumption n. The act of presuming, or something presumed.
presumption n. The belief of something based upon reasonable evidence, or upon something known to be true.
presumption n. The condition upon which something is presumed.
PROMPTITUDEpromptitude n. The quality of being prompt; alacrity.
PROMPTITUDE n. the quality or habit of being prompt.
PROPHETISMSprophetisms n. Plural of prophetism.
PROPHETISM n. the actions of a prophet or prophets.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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