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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing I, 2M, O, 2R and T

CREMATORIUMcrematorium n. A place where the bodies of dead people are cremated.
CREMATORIUM n. a place where bodies are cremated, also CREMATORY.
IMMIGRATORSimmigrators n. Plural of immigrator.
IMMIGRATOR n. one who immigrates.
IMMIGRATORYimmigratory adj. Of or pertaining to immigration.
IMMIGRATORY adj. relating to immigration.
MICROMETERSmicrometers n. Plural of micrometer.
MICROMETER n. an instrument for measuring very small distances.
MICROMETRESmicrometres n. Plural of micrometre.
MICROMETRE n. a millionth of a metre.
MICROMETRICmicrometric adj. Of or pertaining to micrometry.
micrometric adj. Measured using a micrometer.
micrometric adj. Having dimensions of the order of a micrometre.
MORATORIUMSmoratoriums n. Plural of moratorium.
MORATORIUM n. a legal authorization to a debtor to postpone payment for a certain time; the period of such a postponement.
MURMURATIONmurmuration n. An act or instance of murmuring.
murmuration n. (Ornithology, collective) A flock of starlings.
murmuration n. An emergent order in a multi-agent social system.
OVERTRIMMEDovertrimmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overtrim.
OVERTRIM v. to trim too much.
TRIMORPHISMtrimorphism n. (Crystallography) The property of crystallizing in three distinct forms.
trimorphism n. (Biology) The coexistence among individuals of the same species of three distinct forms, not generally…
TRIMORPHISM n. the property of crystallizing in three forms.
TROMOMETRICtromometric adj. Relating to the tromometer.
TROMOMETRIC adj. relating to a tromometer, an instrument for measuring slight earthquake shocks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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