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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing I, 2M, O, P, R and T

EMMETROPIASemmetropias n. Plural of emmetropia.
EMMETROPIA n. correct refraction of light by the eyes.
GAMOTROPISMGAMOTROPISM n. the tendency of gametes to attract each other.
HEMITROPISMHEMITROPISM n. the state of being a hemitrope, a twinned crystal.
IMPLEMENTORimplementor n. Alternative spelling of implementer.
IMPLEMENTOR n. one who implements, also IMPLEMENTER.
IMPROVEMENTimprovement n. The act of improving; advancement or growth; a bettering.
improvement n. The act of making profitable use or application of anything, or the state of being profitably employed;…
improvement n. The state of being improved; betterment; advance.
METAMORPHICmetamorphic adj. Characterised by or exhibiting a change in form or character.
metamorphic adj. (Geology) Pertaining to metamorphism; having been structurally altered as a result of, or resulting…
metamorphic adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to metamorphosis.
PROMETHIUMSPROMETHIUM n. a radioactive rare-earth element, also PROMETHEUM.
RUMGUMPTIONrumgumption n. (UK, dialect, archaic) rough and homely common sense.
rumgumption n. (UK, dialect, archaic) shrewdness of intellect.
TRIMORPHISMtrimorphism n. (Crystallography) The property of crystallizing in three distinct forms.
trimorphism n. (Biology) The coexistence among individuals of the same species of three distinct forms, not generally…
TRIMORPHISM n. the property of crystallizing in three forms.
TYMPANIFORMtympaniform adj. (Anatomy) Having the form of a tympanum or of a drum.
TYMPANIFORM adj. drumlike; shaped like a drum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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