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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing I, L, 2O, P and 2R

CORPORALITYcorporality n. (Obsolete) The state of being or having a body (being corporal/corporeal); bodily existence.
corporality n. (Obsolete) A confraternity; a guild.
CORPORALITY n. the state of being or having a body or a material or physical existence.
IMPLORATORSimplorators n. Plural of implorator.
IMPLORATOR n. (Shakespeare) one who implores.
IMPLORATORYimploratory adj. (Rare) Entreating, supplicatory.
IMPLORATORY adj. having an imploring quality.
INCORPORALLINCORPORALL adj. (archaic) incorporeal, also INCORPORAL.
INCORPOREALincorporeal adj. Having no material form or physical substance.
incorporeal adj. (Law) Relating to an asset that does not have a material form; such as a patent.
INCORPOREAL adj. not corporeal, having no bodily or material structure.
PILFERPROOFpilferproof adj. Designed to prevent pilfering (thieving), especially of a container.
PILFERPROOF adj. secure against pilfering.
PLEROPHORIAplerophoria n. Alternative form of plerophory.
PLEROPHORIA n. full conviction, also PLEROPHORY.
POSTERIORLYposteriorly adv. After (in time).
posteriorly adv. Behind (in position).
posteriorly adv. Towards the posterior.
PROFITEROLEprofiterole n. A small, hollow case of choux pastry with a filling.
PROFITEROLE n. (French) a small puff of choux pastry, usually filled with cream and covered with a chocolate sauce.
PROLIFEROUSproliferous adj. Producing many offspring; prolific or proliferative.
proliferous adj. (Botany) producing many buds or offshoots from leaves or flowers.
proliferous adj. (Zoology) reproducing by budding.
PROLOCUTRIXprolocutrix n. (Obsolete) A female prolocutor; a spokeswoman.
PROLOCUTRIX n. a spokesman, a chairwoman, esp. of the lower house of Convocation.
PROVISORILYprovisorily adv. In a provisory manner; conditionally; subject to a proviso.
PROVISORY adv. of the nature of a proviso; containing a proviso or condition.
REPORTORIALreportorial adj. (Chiefly US) Of, pertaining to or characteristic of a reporter.
REPORTORIAL adj. relating to the work of a reporter.
RESPIROLOGYrespirology n. Synonym of pulmonology.
RESPIROLOGY n. the branch of medicine concerned with breathing.
TURCOPOLIERturcopolier n. (Rare) Synonym of turcopole.
TURCOPOLIER n. a turcopole commander, always an Englishman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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