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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing I, L, 2O, 2P and T

HIPPOLOGISThippologist n. One who studies horses.
HIPPOLOGIST n. a student of horses.
LIPOPROTEINlipoprotein n. Any of a large group of complexes of protein and lipid with many biochemical functions.
LIPOPROTEIN n. a water-soluble protein found in the blood, which carries cholesterol.
LIPOTROPIESLIPOTROPY n. the breaking down of fat in the body.
LIPOTROPINSlipotropins n. Plural of lipotropin.
LIPOTROPIN n. a protein hormone of the pituitary gland.
OPPILATIONSoppilations n. Plural of oppilation.
OPPILATION n. a blockage, an obstruction.
OUTPEOPLINGOUTPEOPLE v. to rid a country of its people.
PHLOGOPITESphlogopites n. Plural of phlogopite.
PHLOGOPITE n. a brown mica containing magnesium, a constituent of limestones and dolomites.
PHOTOPHILICphotophilic adj. (Biology) That thrives in bright sunlight.
PHOTOPHILIC adj. light-loving, turning towards the light, also PHOTOPHILOUS.
PLEIOTROPICpleiotropic adj. Of or pertaining to pleiotropy.
PLEIOTROPIC adj. of a gene, having an effect simultaneously on more than one character in the offspring.
POLYPHONISTpolyphonist n. One who is proficient in the art of multiplying sounds; a ventriloquist.
polyphonist n. (Music) A master of polyphony; a contrapuntist.
POLYPHONIST n. a contrapuntist, one who writes counterpoint.
POLYTROPHICpolytrophic adj. (Biology) Of bacteria etc.: feeding on multiple types of food, or obtaining nutrients in more than one way.
polytrophic adj. (Biology, of an insect) Having a nutritive cell attached to each egg in the ovary.
polytrophic adj. (Of a lake) Rich in nutrients.
POPMOBILITYpopmobility n. (Dated) A form of aerobics performed to pop music.
POPMOBILITY n. a form of exercise that combines aerobics in a continuous dance routine, performed to pop music.
POPULATIONSpopulations n. Plural of population.
POPULATION n. the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region.
PROTOPHILICprotophilic adj. (Chemistry) Describing a solvent that can accept protons, and is therefore basic.
PROTOPHILIC adj. having or involving an affinity for hydrogen ions (protons).
SPOILSPORTSspoilsports n. Plural of spoilsport.
spoil-sports n. Plural of spoil-sport.
SPOILSPORT n. one who spoils the sport or pleasure of others.
TOPOPHILIASTOPOPHILIA n. great love or affection for a particular place.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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