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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing I, L, N, P, 2R and T

HORRIPILANTHORRIPILANT adj. causing horripilation, the erection of the hair of the head or body from fear or cold.
INCORRUPTLYincorruptly adv. Without corruption.
INCORRUPT adv. not corrupt, also UNCORRUPT.
INTERLOPERSinterlopers n. Plural of interloper.
INTERLOPER n. one that interlopes.
LEPTORRHINEleptorrhine adj. (Anatomy) Having a small, narrow nose or (of animals) a slender snout.
LEPTORRHINE adj. having a long narrow nose.
PATRILINEARpatrilinear adj. Alternative form of patrilineal.
PATRILINEAR adj. traced through the father or through males alone, also PATRILINEAL.
PERICENTRALpericentral adj. Surrounding the centre.
PERICENTRAL adj. surrounding a centre or central body, also PERICENTRIC.
PLATYRRHINEplatyrrhine adj. (Anatomy) Having a broad, flat nose.
platyrrhine n. (Zoology) Any New World monkey of the Platyrrhini.
PLATYRRHINE adj. having a broad, flat nose.
PREALTERINGprealtering v. Present participle of prealter.
PREALTER v. to alter beforehand.
PRETERMINALpreterminal adj. Before the end.
PRETERMINAL adj. occurring or being in the period prior to death.
PROLETARIANproletarian adj. Of or relating to the proletariat.
proletarian n. A member of the proletariat.
PROLETARIAN n. a member of the proletariat, also PROLETARY.
REPORTINGLYreportingly adv. (Obsolete, rare) By common report or rumour.
REPORTING adv. giving an account of.
SPLINTERIERSPLINTERY adj. given to splintering.
TELEPRINTERteleprinter n. (Historical) Synonym of teletype, a telegraph that automatically prints transmited messages in letters…
TELEPRINTER n. a device capable of producing hard copy from signals received over a communications circuit.
TERREPLEINSterrepleins n. Plural of terreplein.
TERREPLEIN n. (French) a horizontal platform behind a parapet where heavy guns are mounted.
TRAMPOLINERtrampoliner n. One who trampolines.
TRAMPOLINER n. one who uses a trampoline, also TRAMPOLINIST.
TRIPERSONALtripersonal adj. Consisting of three persons.
TRIPERSONAL adj. consisting of three persons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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