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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing I, L, N, 2O, R and V

LIGNIVOROUSlignivorous adj. That feeds on wood.
LIGNIVOROUS adj. feeding on wood.
OVERBLOWINGoverblowing v. Present participle of overblow.
OVERBLOW v. to give excess importance to.
OVERBOILINGoverboiling v. Present participle of overboil.
OVERBOIL v. to boil too long.
OVERCLOYINGovercloying v. Present participle of overcloy.
OVERCLOY v. to eat to excess.
OVERCOOLINGovercooling n. Excessive cooling of an object, for example an engine or a building.
OVERCOOL v. to make too cool.
OVERFLOWINGoverflowing n. Overflow.
overflowing v. Present participle of overflow.
OVERFLOWING adj. abundant to excess.
OVERFOLDINGoverfolding v. Present participle of overfold.
OVERFOLD v. to fold over.
OVERHOLDINGoverholding v. Present participle of overhold.
OVERHOLD v. (Shakespeare) to rate too highly.
OVERLOADINGoverloading n. (Object-oriented programming) A type of polymorphism, where different functions, operators or variables…
overloading n. The loading of a vehicle etc. with too heavy a weight.
overloading v. Present participle of overload.
OVERLOCKINGoverlocking v. Present participle of overlock.
OVERLOCKING n. oversewing a hem or fabric edge to prevent fraying.
OVERLOOKINGoverlooking v. Present participle of overlook.
OVERLOOK v. to fail to notice.
OVERLORDINGoverlording v. Present participle of overlord.
OVERLORD v. to rule tyrannically.
OVERTOILINGovertoiling v. Present participle of overtoil.
OVERTOIL v. to exhaust by excessive toil.
OVERVIOLENToverviolent adj. Excessively violent.
OVERVIOLENT adj. excessively violent.
PROVISIONALprovisional adj. Temporary, but with the intention of eventually becoming permanent or being replaced by a permanent equivalent.
provisional n. (Philately) A postage stamp issued locally before an official issue is released.
provisional n. (Dentistry) An interim denture.
PROVOKINGLYprovokingly adv. In a provoking manner.
PROVOKING adv. PROVOKE, to arouse to anger or sexual desire.
REVOLUTIONSrevolutions n. Plural of revolution.
REVOLUTION n. the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course.
UNFRIVOLOUSunfrivolous adj. Not frivolous.
UNFRIVOLOUS adj. not frivolous.
VARIOLATIONvariolation n. (Historical) The inoculation of a person with smallpox with the intention of inducing a mild form of…
VARIOLATION n. inoculation with smallpox.
VOLITIONARYvolitionary adj. Relating to the volition or will; volitional.
VOLITIONARY adj. relating to volition, also VOLITIONAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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