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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing I, L, M, O, P and 2R

CIRCUMPOLARcircumpolar adj. Located or found throughout a polar region.
circumpolar adj. (Astronomy) Of a celestial body, continually visible above the horizon during the entire 360 degrees of daily travel.
CIRCUMPOLAR adj. continually visible above the horizon.
DIMERCAPROLdimercaprol n. (Organic chemistry) The mercaptan 2,3-dimercaptopropanol used as an antidote to arsenic poisoning.
DIMERCAPROL n. a compound developed as an antidote against lewisite and used to treat arsenic, mercury, and gold poisoning.
IMPLORATORSimplorators n. Plural of implorator.
IMPLORATOR n. (Shakespeare) one who implores.
IMPLORATORYimploratory adj. (Rare) Entreating, supplicatory.
IMPLORATORY adj. having an imploring quality.
LEPROSARIUMleprosarium n. An isolated building or community used to house lepers, usually in permanent quarantine from the rest of society.
LEPROSARIUM n. a hospital for lepers.
LONGPRIMERSLONGPRIMER n. in printing, a size of type intermediate between small pica and bourgeois.
PARLOURMAIDparlourmaid n. (Britain) A maid who takes care of the parlour.
PARLOURMAID n. a female servant in a private home who serves at the table, keeps the house clean and answers the door to guests.
POLARIMETERpolarimeter n. An instrument used to measure the rotation of the plane of polarized light as it passes through a sample…
POLARIMETER n. an instrument for measuring polarised light.
POLARIMETRYpolarimetry n. (Physics) The measurement of the polarization of electromagnetic radiation.
polarimetry n. (Chemistry) Analysis using a polarimeter.
POLARIMETRY n. measurement by polarimeter.
PRIMORDIALSprimordials n. Plural of primordial.
PRIMORDIAL n. something primordial.
PROCLAIMERSproclaimers n. Plural of proclaimer.
PROCLAIMER n. one who proclaims.
PROMILITARYpromilitary adj. Favoring or supporting the military.
PROMILITARY adj. in favour of the military.
REPTILIFORMreptiliform adj. Resembling or relating to reptiles.
REPTILIFORM adj. having the form of a reptile.
SCALPRIFORMscalpriform adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like a chisel.
SCALPRIFORM adj. shaped like a chisel.
SPIRALIFORMspiraliform adj. Spiral-shaped.
SPIRALIFORM adj. shaped like a spiral.
TEMPORARILYtemporarily adv. For a limited period of time; not permanently.
TEMPORARY adv. not permanent.
TRAMPOLINERtrampoliner n. One who trampolines.
TRAMPOLINER n. one who uses a trampoline, also TRAMPOLINIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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