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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2I, O, S, 2T and Y

ANTIOBESITYantiobesity adj. (Pharmacology, nutrition, of a drug, etc.) Serving to counter obesity.
anti-obesity adj. Alternative spelling of antiobesity.
ANTIOBESITY adj. opposed to obesity.
AUDIOTYPISTaudiotypist n. Alternative form of audio typist.
audio-typist n. A stenographer who uses a tape recorder or similar device as the source of the text to be typed.
audio␣typist n. A person who listens to a sound recording and transcribes it into text by typing.
DOMESTICITYdomesticity n. Life at home; homelife.
domesticity n. (In the plural) Domestic chores; housework.
domesticity n. Affection for the home and its material comforts.
GLUTINOSITYglutinosity n. The quality of being glutinous or viscous.
GLUTINOSITY n. the state of being glutinous.
HISTIOCYTEShistiocytes n. Plural of histiocyte.
HISTIOCYTE n. a macrophage.
HISTIOCYTIChistiocytic adj. Pertaining to connective tissue containing large white blood cells.
HISTIOCYTIC adj. relating to a histiocyte.
HISTORICITYhistoricity n. Historical quality or authenticity based on fact.
historicity n. (Philosophy) The characteristic of having appeared or developed in history, as opposed to being natural or universal.
HISTORICITY n. historical actuality.
HOSPITALITYhospitality n. The act or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests; an appropriate attitude…
hospitality n. (Business) The business of providing catering, lodging and entertainment service; the industry which…
hospitality n. The food, drink, and entertainment given to customers by a company or organization or provided to visitors…
HYPNOTISTIChypnotistic adj. Relating to hypnotism.
HYPNOTISTIC adj. relating to a hypnotist.
IMPETUOSITYimpetuosity n. The quality of making rash or arbitrary decisions, especially in an impulsive or forceful manner.
impetuosity n. The condition or quality of being impetuous, impatient; fury; violence.
impetuosity n. Vehemence; furiousness of temper.
ISOTONICITYisotonicity n. The state of being isotonic, or extent to which something is isotonic.
ISOTONICITY n. the quality of being isotonic.
LITHOTRIPSYlithotripsy n. (Surgery) A treatment, typically using ultrasound shock waves or crushing with a surgical instrument…
LITHOTRIPSY n. the surgical operation of crushing a stone in the bladder, kidney or gall bladder, so that its fragments may be passed naturally from the body.
SCHISTOSITYschistosity n. (Geology) The quality or state of being schistose.
SCHISTOSITY n. the foliation in a schist, due largely to the parallel orientation of micas.
STYLISATIONstylisation n. (Britain) Alternative spelling of stylization.
STYLISATION n. the act of stylising, also STYLIZATION.
STYLIZATIONstylization n. The process or result of designing or presenting in accordance with a style. Adoption of a style.
stylization n. Simplified representation; reduction to a pattern or conventional form; abstraction; decorative generalization.
STYLIZATION n. the act of stylizing, also STYLISATION.
STYLOSTIXISstylostixis n. (Rare) acupuncture.
STYLOSTIXIS n. acupuncture.
SYNOPTISTICSYNOPTISTIC adj. of or like a synoptist, one of the writers of the Synoptic Gospels.
THYROIDITISthyroiditis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the thyroid gland.
THYROIDITIS n. inflammation of the thyroid.
TORSIBILITYtorsibility n. The tendency of a rope etc. to untwist after being twisted.
TORSIBILITY n. the ability to be twisted or subjected to torsion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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