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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2I, N, R, 2T and V

ANTIGRAVITYantigravity n. Alternative spelling of anti-gravity.
anti-gravity n. (Science fiction) Any of various concepts, systems or devices that would oppose or cancel out the force of gravity.
ANTIGRAVITY n. a hypothetical effect resulting from cancellation or reduction of a gravitational field.
GRAVITATINGgravitating v. Present participle of gravitate.
GRAVITATE v. to move under the influence of gravitation.
GRAVITATIONgravitation n. (Physics) The fundamental force of attraction that exists between all particles with mass in the universe…
GRAVITATION n. the force of attraction between masses.
INSTRUCTIVEinstructive adj. Conveying knowledge, information or instruction.
instructive n. (Linguistics) A case in the Finnish and Estonian languages. It expresses the means or the instrument…
INSTRUCTIVE adj. indicating means whereby.
INTEGRATIVEintegrative adj. (Sciences) Tending toward or promoting integration.
INTEGRATIVE adj. serving to integrate or favoring integration.
INTERACTIVEinteractive adj. Interacting with or communicating with and reacting to each other; influencing or having an effect on…
interactive adj. (Computer science) Responding to the user.
interactive n. A feature (as in a museum) that can be interacted with.
INVESTITUREinvestiture n. The act of investing, as with possession or power; formal bestowal or presentation of a possessory or…
investiture n. (Specifically, chiefly historical) The formal installation or, generally, the appointment of a bishop…
investiture n. That which invests or clothes; covering; vestment.
IRRETENTIVEirretentive adj. Not retentive; not apt to retain.
IRRETENTIVE adj. incapable of retention.
NUTRITIVELYnutritively adv. Concerning, or in terms of, nutrition.
NUTRITIVE adv. relating to nutrition.
OUTSTRIVINGOUTSTRIVE v. to surpass in striving.
OVERHITTINGoverhitting v. Present participle of overhit.
OVERHIT v. to hit a ball beyond a target.
RETENTIVITYretentivity n. The ability to retain, potential for retention.
retentivity n. (Sciences) the capacity to retain magnetism after the magnetizing action.
RETENTIVITY n. the power of retaining.
REVISITANTSREVISITANT n. one who visits again.
TERMINATIVEterminative adj. Of, or relating to the termination of something.
terminative adj. (Linguistics) of, or relating to the terminative case.
terminative n. The terminative case.
TRANSITIVEStransitives n. Plural of transitive.
TRANSITIVE n. a verb taking a direct object.
UNRIVETTINGUNRIVET v. to take out, or loose, the rivets of; as, to unrivet boiler plates.
VATICINATORvaticinator n. One who vaticinates; a prophet.
VATICINATOR n. a prophet.
VINAIGRETTEvinaigrette n. A sauce, made of an acidic liquid such as vinegar or lemon juice; oil; and other ingredients, used as…
vinaigrette n. (Obsolete) A small perforated box for holding aromatic vinegar contained in a sponge, or a smelling…
vinaigrette n. (Obsolete) A small, two-wheeled vehicle, like a Bath chair, to be drawn or pushed by a person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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