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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2I, 3N and 2O

CONNIPTIONSconniptions n. Plural of conniption.
CONNIPTION n. (US slang) a fit of rage or hysteria; a tantrum.
INNOVATIONSinnovations n. Plural of innovation.
INNOVATION n. the introduction of something new.
INTONATIONSintonations n. Plural of intonation.
INTONATION n. something that is intoned.
MOONSHININGmoonshining n. (Informal, US) Illicit production and distribution of liquor.
MOONSHINING n. the making of illicitly distilled whisky.
NOMINATIONSnominations n. Plural of nomination.
NOMINATION n. the act, process, or an instance of nominating.
NONDECISIONnondecision n. Lack of a decision.
NONDECISION n. something that is not a decision.
NONFICTIONSnonfictions n. Plural of nonfiction.
NONFICTION n. literature or cinema that is not fictional.
NONILLIONTHnonillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number nonillion.
nonillionth n. The person or thing in the nonillionth position.
nonillionth n. One of a nonillion equal parts of a whole.
NONIONISINGNONIONISING adj. not resulting in ionization, also NONIONIZING.
NONIONIZINGnonionizing adj. Not ionizing.
NONIONIZING adj. not ionizing, also NONIONISING.
NONMINORITYnonminority n. One who is not part of a (sociopolitical) minority.
NONMINORITY n. something that is not a minority.
NONUNIONISMnonunionism n. Lack of unionism; absence of support for a union or trade union.
NONUNIONISM n. opposition to trade unionism.
NONUNIONISTnonunionist n. One who is not a unionist.
NONUNIONIST n. a supporter of nonunionism.
UNPOISONINGunpoisoning v. Present participle of unpoison.
UNPOISON v. to rid of poison.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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