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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2I, M, O, S, T and Y

ALUMINOSITYALUMINOSITY n. the quality of resembling aluminium.
AMBITIOUSLYambitiously adv. In an ambitious manner.
AMBITIOUS adv. having ambition.
ANONYMITIESanonymities n. Plural of anonymity.
ANONYMITY n. the state of being anonymous.
CONSIMILITYconsimility n. (Obsolete) common resemblance.
CONSIMILITY n. the state of being consimilar.
DOMESTICITYdomesticity n. Life at home; homelife.
domesticity n. (In the plural) Domestic chores; housework.
domesticity n. Affection for the home and its material comforts.
IMPETUOSITYimpetuosity n. The quality of making rash or arbitrary decisions, especially in an impulsive or forceful manner.
impetuosity n. The condition or quality of being impetuous, impatient; fury; violence.
impetuosity n. Vehemence; furiousness of temper.
ISORHYTHMICisorhythmic adj. (Music) Pertaining to or using isorhythm.
isorhythmic adj. (Prosody) In ancient prosody, equal in the number of times for thesis and arsis, as a dactyl and anapest.
ISORHYTHMIC adj. in ancient prosody, equal in the number of time-units for thesis and arsis, as dactyl, spondee, anapaest; (in medieval motets) having a strict scheme of repeated rhythm independent of melodic repetition.
MICROCYSTINmicrocystin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of cyclic oligopeptide hepatotoxins produced by cyanobacteria.
MISOGYNISTSmisogynists n. Plural of misogynist.
MISOGYNIST n. one who hates women.
MOISTIFYINGmoistifying v. Present participle of moistify.
MOISTIFY v. to make moist.
MORTIFYINGSmortifyings n. Plural of mortifying.
MORTIFYING n. the act of mortifying.
MYLONITISEDMYLONITISE v. to turn into mylonite, a hard, streaky, often granular rock produced by crushing, also MYLONITIZE.
MYLONITISESMYLONITISE v. to turn into mylonite, a hard, streaky, often granular rock produced by crushing, also MYLONITIZE.
MYLONITIZESMYLONITIZE v. to turn into mylonite, a hard, streaky, often granular rock produced by crushing, also MYLONITISE.
MYOCARDITISmyocarditis n. (Pathology, cardiology) Inflammation of the myocardium.
MYOCARDITIS n. inflammation of the myocardium.
MYOINOSITOLmyoinositol n. (Organic chemistry) The most commonly-occurring isomer of inositol.
MYOINOSITOL n. a biologically active inositol that is a component of many phospholipids and occurs widely in plants, animals, and microorganisms.
PROMISCUITYpromiscuity n. The state or quality of being promiscuous.
promiscuity n. Indiscriminateness in the choice of sexual partners.
promiscuity n. (Dated, literary) State of being mixed, composed of diverse elements, unsystematic; heterogeneity.
SYMBIOTICALSYMBIOTICAL adj. relating to symbiosis, also SYMBIOTIC.
SYMBOLISTICsymbolistic adj. Characterized by the use of symbols.
SYMBOLISTIC adj. relating to symbolism, also SYMBOLISTICAL.
WHITEBOYISMWhiteboyism prop.n. (Historical) The conduct or principles of the Whiteboys.
WHITEBOYISM n. the principles of the Whiteboys, an association of Irish peasants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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