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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2I, L, 2N, S and V

GALVANISINGgalvanising v. Present participle of galvanise.
GALVANISE v. to subject to the action of an electric current, also GALVANIZE.
INTENSIVELYintensively adv. In an intensive way.
INTENSIVE adv. making intense.
INVALIDINGSinvalidings n. Plural of invaliding.
INVALIDING n. the act of treating as an invalid.
INVALIDNESSinvalidness n. Invalidity.
INVALIDNESS n. the state of being invalid.
INVOLUTIONSinvolutions n. Plural of involution.
INVOLUTION n. the act of involving or infolding.
SNIVELLINGSsnivellings n. Plural of snivelling.
SNIVELLING n. the act or sound of snivelling.
UNCIVILNESSuncivilness n. Incivility.
UNCIVILNESS n. the state of being uncivil.
VANDALISINGvandalising v. Present participle of vandalise.
VANDALISE v. to deal with or treat in a vandalistic manner, also VANDALIZE.
VANISHINGLYvanishingly adv. So as to vanish, or appear to vanish; especially, very small or rare.
VANISHING adv. disappearing.
VERNALISINGvernalising v. Present participle of vernalise.
VERNALISE v. to cause (plants) to come to early maturity, esp. by chilling seeds, bulbs etc., also VERNALIZE.
VINBLASTINEvinblastine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A cytotoxic compound C46H58N4O9 of the alkaloid class obtained from the…
VINBLASTINE n. a cytotoxic alkaloid obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle, and used to treat lymphomas and other cancers.
VINYLIDENESvinylidenes n. Plural of vinylidene.
VINYLIDENE n. a bivalent radical, a compound of carbon and hydrogen.
VOLCANISINGvolcanising v. Present participle of volcanise.
VOLCANISE v. to subject to the action of volcanic heat, also VOLCANIZE.
VULCANISINGvulcanising v. Present participle of vulcanise.
VULCANISE v. to change the properties of, as caoutchouc, or India rubber, by the process of vulcanization, also VULCANIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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