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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2I, L, 2N, P and R

INSPIRINGLYinspiringly adv. In an inspiring manner.
INSPIRING adv. INSPIRE, to influence to greater heights.
INTERLOPINGinterloping n. An act of intrusion or encroachment.
interloping n. (Historical) Illegal Indian trade within the area over which the Hudson’s Bay Company held a trade monopoly.
interloping v. Present participle of interlope.
INTERSPINALinterspinal adj. Between spines.
INTERSPINAL adj. between the vertebrae, also INTERSPINOUS.
PANBROILINGpanbroiling v. Present participle of panbroil.
pan-broiling v. Present participle of pan-broil.
PANBROIL v. to fry in a pan with little or no fat.
PANTILINERSpantiliners n. Plural of pantiliner.
PARALIMNIONPARALIMNION n. the region of a lake floor between the shoreline or water's edge and the zone of rooted vegetation.
PRINCELINGSprincelings n. Plural of princeling.
PRINCELING n. a petty prince; a young prince, also PRINCEKIN, PRINCELET.
PRINCIPLINGprincipling v. Present participle of principle.
PRINCIPLE v. to ground (a person) in the principles or elements of a subject.
PROINSULINSproinsulins n. Plural of proinsulin.
PROINSULIN n. a single-chain polypeptidic precursor of insulin.
RANTIPOLINGrantipoling v. Present participle of rantipole.
RANTIPOLE v. to act in a wild way.
REPLEVININGreplevining v. Present participle of replevin.
REPLEVIN v. to regain possession by legal action, also REPLEVY.
SPLINTERINGsplintering v. Present participle of splinter.
splintering n. The process or result of something being splintered.
SPLINTER v. to split into sharp, slender pieces.
SPRINKLINGSsprinklings n. Plural of sprinkling.
SPRINKLING n. the act of sprinkling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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