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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 3I, P, S, T and V

CAPTIVITIEScaptivities n. Plural of captivity.
CAPTIVITY n. the state of being captive.
DIAPOSITIVEdiapositive n. (Photography) slide (used with a projector for projecting images).
DIAPOSITIVE n. a transparent photographic positive; a slide.
DISPOSITIVEdispositive adj. Intending to or resulting in or capable of disposition (disposing of or settling a matter).
dispositive adj. (Obsolete) By natural disposition, having such an inclination.
dispositive adj. (Euro-English or non-native speakers’ English) Being a statutory provision not mandatory to the parties…
DISSIPATIVEdissipative adj. That dissipates, or causes dissipation.
DISSIPATIVE adj. relating to dissipation esp. of heat.
IMPASSIVITYimpassivity n. The state of being impassive.
IMPASSIVITY n. the quality of being impassive.
IMPULSIVITYimpulsivity n. The quality of being impulsive, impulsiveness; inclination to act on impulse rather than thought.
IMPULSIVITY n. the state of being impulsive.
INSCRIPTIVEinscriptive adj. Bearing an inscription.
inscriptive adj. Of the character or nature of an inscription.
INSCRIPTIVE adj. relating to or constituting an inscription.
INSPIRATIVEinspirative adj. Tending to inspire.
INSPIRATIVE adj. giving inspiration.
OVIPARITIESOVIPARITY n. the production of offspring via eggs.
OVIPOSITINGovipositing v. Present participle of oviposit.
OVIPOSIT v. to lay or deposit eggs, esp. of insects.
OVIPOSITIONoviposition n. The process of laying eggs.
OVIPOSITION n. the act of ovipositing.
PASSIVITIESpassivities n. Plural of passivity.
PASSIVITY n. the state of being passive.
POSITIVISMSpositivisms n. Plural of positivism.
POSITIVISM n. the doctrine that that which is not observable is not knowable.
POSITIVISTSpositivists n. Plural of positivist.
POSITIVIST n. a believer in positivism.
PREVISITINGprevisiting v. Present participle of previsit.
PREVISIT v. to visit beforehand.
PRIMITIVISMprimitivism n. The state or quality of being primitive.
primitivism n. The opinion that life was better or more moral among primitive peoples, or among children, and has deteriorated…
primitivism n. Any of a group of related styles in the arts, influenced by a belief in the superiority of primitive forms.
PRIMITIVISTprimitivist adj. Exhibiting or practicing primitivism, the advocacy of primitive over refined forms.
primitivist n. A proponent of primitivism.
PRIMITIVIST n. one who practises primitivism, the doctrine that a simple and natural life is morally best.
PRIVATISINGprivatising v. Present participle of privatise.
PRIVATISE v. to transfer from ownership by the state into private ownership; to denationalize, also PRIVATIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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