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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 3I, 2N, T and V

ANTIVITAMINantivitamin n. (Biochemistry) Any compound that inhibits the metabolic action of a vitamin.
ANTIVITAMIN n. a substance that makes a vitamin metabolically ineffective.
CONVICINITYconvicinity n. (Archaic) Immediate vicinity; neighbourhood.
CONVICINITY n. a neighbourhood.
DISINVITINGdisinviting v. Present participle of disinvite.
DISINVITE v. to withdraw an invitation to.
DIVINATIONSdivinations n. Plural of divination.
DIVINATION n. the art or practice of divining.
INCENDIVITYincendivity n. (Uncountable) The state of being incendive; the ability to cause ignition.
incendivity n. (Countable) A measure of the extent to which something is incendive.
INCENDIVITY n. the power of causing ignition.
INCENTIVISEincentivise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of incentivize.
INCENTIVISE v. to give an incentive, also INCENTIVIZE.
INCENTIVIZEincentivize v. (Transitive, business, economics) To provide incentives for; to encourage.
incentivize v. (Transitive, business, economics) To provide incentives to.
INCENTIVIZE v. to give an incentive, also INCENTIVISE.
INFINITIVALinfinitival adj. Of, pertaining to, or formed from an infinitive.
infinitival adj. Having a function or usage similar to an infinitive.
INFINITIVAL adj. relating to the infinitive mood.
INFINITIVESinfinitives n. Plural of infinitive.
INFINITIVE n. the infinitive mood; a verb in the infinitive mood.
INSENSITIVEinsensitive adj. Expressing or feeling little or no concern, care, compassion, or consideration for the feelings, emotions…
insensitive adj. Not expressing normal physical feeling…
insensitive adj. Not expressing normal emotional feelings; cold; tactless; undiplomatic.
INSINUATIVEinsinuative adj. Tending to insinuate; insinuating.
INSINUATIVE adj. serving to insinuate.
INSTINCTIVEinstinctive adj. Related to or prompted by instinct.
instinctive adj. Driven by impulse, spontaneous and without thinking.
INSTINCTIVE adj. relating to instinct.
INTENSITIVEintensitive adj. Increasing the force or intensity of; intensive.
INTENSITIVE adj. giving force or emphasis.
INTENSITIVE n. a word giving emphasis, also INTENSATIVE.
INVITATIONSinvitations n. Plural of invitation.
INVITATION n. the act of inviting.
PREINVITINGPREINVITE v. to invite beforehand.
VINCRISTINEvincristine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A cytotoxic compound C46H56N4O10 of the alkaloid class obtained from the…
VINCRISTINE n. a cytotoxic alkaloid obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle and used to treat acute leukaemia and other cancers.
VINDICATINGvindicating v. Present participle of vindicate.
VINDICATE v. to justify, to clear of criticism.
VINDICATIONvindication n. The act of vindicating or the state of being vindicated.
vindication n. Evidence, facts, statements, or arguments that justify a claim or belief.
VINDICATION n. an act of vindicating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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