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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing 3I, 2M, S and U

DISIMMURINGDISIMMURE v. to liberate; to release from walls.
ILLUMINISMSilluminisms n. Plural of illuminism.
ILLUMINISM n. a belief in an inward spiritual light.
IMMINUTIONSimminutions n. Plural of imminution.
IMMINUTION n. a lessening, a decrease.
IRIDOSMIUMSIRIDOSMIUM n. a very hard corrosion-resistant white or grey natural alloy of osmium and iridium used esp. in pen nibs, also IRIDOSMINE, OSMIRIDIUM.
MEDIUMISTICmediumistic adj. Of or pertaining to mediums (people claiming to contact the dead); relating to or having the ability…
MEDIUMISTIC adj. of, relating to, or having the qualities of a spiritualistic medium.
MIMIVIRUSESmimiviruses n. Plural of mimivirus.
MIMIVIRUS n. a genus of virus, one of the largest and most complex known.
MINISTERIUMministerium n. An association of ministers from various religious groups who come together to work for a specific purpose…
MINISTERIUM n. (Latin) a ministry.
OSMIRIDIUMSosmiridiums n. Plural of osmiridium.
OSMIRIDIUM n. a very hard corrosion-resistant white or grey natural alloy of osmium and iridium, also IRIDOSMINE, IRIDOSMIUM.
SIMILLIMUMSSIMILLIMUM n. a remedy chosen for the symptoms it emulates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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