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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 3I, L, N, O and Z

DIABOLIZINGdiabolizing v. Present participle of diabolize.
DIABOLIZE v. to convert into a devil, render diabolical, also DIABOLISE.
DIALOGIZINGdialogizing v. Present participle of dialogize.
DIALOGIZE v. to discourse in dialogue, also DIALOGISE.
EPILOGIZINGepilogizing v. Present participle of epilogize.
EPILOGIZE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGISE.
FOSSILIZINGfossilizing v. Present participle of fossilize.
FOSSILIZE v. to turn into a fossil, also FOSSILISE.
IDOLIZATIONidolization n. The act of idolizing, adoring or worshiping, especially to excess.
IDOLIZATION n. the act of idolizing, also IDOLISATION.
KAOLINIZINGkaolinizing v. Present participle of kaolinize.
KAOLINIZE v. to turn into kaolin, a very pure white clay, also KAOLINISE.
LAICIZATIONlaicization n. The act of laicizing.
LAICIZATION n. the process of returning a clergyman to lay status, also LAICISATION.
LIONIZATIONlionization n. The act of lionizing, the behavior that treats someone as a celebrity, either respectfully honoring…
LIONIZATION n. the act of lionizing, also LIONISATION.
PILLORIZINGpillorizing v. Present participle of pillorize.
PILLORIZE v. to pillory, also PILLORISE.
POLLINIZINGpollinizing v. Present participle of pollinize.
POLLINIZE v. to pollinate, also POLLINISE.
RELIGIONIZEreligionize v. (Transitive) To bring under the influence of religion.
religionize v. (Intransitive) To profess religion.
RELIGIONIZE v. to imbue with religion, also RELIGIONISE.
SILICONIZEDsiliconized adj. Treated or coated with silicone.
SILICONIZED adj. of glassware, treated or coated with silicon, also SILICONISED.
SOCIALIZINGsocializing v. Present participle of socialize.
SOCIALIZING n. the act of being sociable.
UTILIZATIONutilization n. (North American, Oxford) Alternative spelling of utilisation.
UTILIZATION n. the act of utilizing, also UTILISATION.
ZILLIONAIREzillionaire n. (Humorous) An incredibly rich person.
ZILLIONAIRE n. one who possesses zillions of pounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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