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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 3I, L, M, O and R

DOMICILIARYdomiciliary n. (Law): A person who legally resides in a particular place.
domiciliary adj. Of or relating to a domicile.
DOMICILIARY adj. of or pertaining to a domicile.
IMMOBILISERimmobiliser n. Something or someone that immobilises.
IMMOBILISER n. a device for preventing an engine from being started, also IMMOBILIZER.
IMMOBILIZERimmobilizer n. Alternative spelling of immobiliser.
IMMOBILIZER n. a device for preventing an engine from being started, also IMMOBILISER.
MELIORISTICmelioristic adj. Of or related to meliorism, the belief that the world can be made better through human efforts.
MELIORISTIC adj. of or like meliorism.
MELIORITIESMELIORITY n. the state of being better.
MICROFIBRILmicrofibril n. A bundle of cellulose polymer chains held together by weak bonds.
MICROFIBRIL n. a fine fibril.
MICROFILINGMICROFILING n. the process of microfilming the contents of a file.
MICROLITHICmicrolithic adj. Formed of small stones.
MICROLITHIC adj. of or like a microlith.
MILLEFIORISmillefioris n. Plural of millefiori.
MILLEFIORI n. (Italian) an ornamental glassmaking technique.
MILLIMICRONmillimicron n. A unit of length equal to one thousandth of a micron.
MILLIMICRON n. a thousandth of a micron.
MILLIONAIREmillionaire n. (Strictly) A person whose net worth is at or greater than one million units of the local currency, but…
millionaire n. (Loosely) A person whose net worth is at or greater than one million units of the local currency; a multimillionaire.
MILLIONAIRE n. a person whose wealth is estimated at a million or more (as of dollars or pounds), also MILLIONNAIRE.
ORIGINALISMoriginalism n. The view that a text should be interpreted according to the intent of its original authors.
RELIGIONISMreligionism n. Excessive religious ardour or zeal.
religionism n. Extreme piety.
religionism n. Discrimination or prejudice on the basis of religion or religious beliefs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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