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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing 3I, 2L, M and T

CAPILLITIUMcapillitium n. A mass of sterile fibers within a fruiting body interspersed among spores.
CAPILLITIUM n. a mass of threads.
ILLIMITABLEillimitable adj. Impervious to limitation, without limit.
ILLIMITABLE adj. limitless, infinite.
ILLIMITABLYillimitably adv. In an illimitable manner.
ILLIMITABLE adv. limitless, infinite.
ILLUMINISTSilluminists n. Plural of illuminist.
ILLUMINIST n. a believer in illuminism, a belief in an inward spiritual light.
IMPOLITICALimpolitical adj. Obsolete form of impolitic.
IMPOLITICAL adj. (obsolete) impolitic, also IMPOLITIC, UNPOLITIC.
IMPOLITICLYimpoliticly adv. In an impolitic manner.
MAILABILITYmailability n. The characteristic of being mailable; the ability to be mailed.
MAILABILITY n. the ability to be sent by mail.
METHICILLINmethicillin n. (Pharmacology) Alternative spelling of meticillin.
METHICILLIN n. a semisynthetic penicillin used esp. in the form of its sodium salt.
MILLILITERSmilliliters n. Plural of milliliter.
MILLILITER n. a thousandth of a litre, also MILLILITRE.
MILLILITRESmillilitres n. Plural of millilitre.
MILLILITRE n. a thousandth part of a litre, also MILLILITER.
POINTILLISMpointillism n. In art, the use of small areas of color to construct an image.
POINTILLISM n. a painting technique using separate dots of pure colour rather than blends, also POINTILLISME.
SILLIMANITEsillimanite n. (Mineralogy) A fibrous neosilicate mineral, polymorphic with andalusite and kyanite, with the chemical…
SILLIMANITE n. a silicate of alumina, of fibrous or columnar structure; aka fibrolite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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