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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing I, N, 3O, P and R

COLORPOINTcolorpoint n. Alternative spelling of colourpoint.
COLORPOINT n. a breed of domestic cat, also COLOURPOINT.
DIPROTODONdiprotodon n. Any individual of the extinct marsupial genus Diprotodon, similar to a wombat in appearance but the…
Diprotodon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diprotodontidae – an extinct genus of marsupials.
DIPROTODON n. any marsupial of the Diprotodontia, that includes kangaroos, wombats, etc., also DIPROTODONT.
GONOPHORICGONOPHORIC adj. relating to a gonophore, in certain flowers, an elongate structure bearing the stamens and pistil, also GONOPHOROUS.
IONOPHORESionophores n. Plural of ionophore.
IONOPHORE n. a chemical compound able to combine with an ion and enable it to pass through a cell membrane.
IONOTROPICionotropic adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting ionotropy.
ionotropic adj. Describing a neurotransmitter or cell receptor whose action is mediated by ion channels.
IONOTROPIC adj. pertaining to or exhibiting ionotropy, the reversible interconversion of a pair of organic isomers.
MONOPTEROImonopteroi n. Plural of monopteros.
MONOPTEROS n. a building with single ring of columns supporting a roof.
MORPHOLINOmorpholino n. (Genetics) A structural analog of natural nucleic acid used to modify gene expression, in which the…
MORPHOLINO n. a type of molecule used in altering the development of genes by preventing the access of other molecules.
NOOTROPICSnootropics n. Plural of nootropic.
NOOTROPIC n. a nootropic drug.
OMOPHORIONomophorion n. A band of brocade originally of wool decorated with crosses and worn on the neck and around the shoulders…
OMOPHORION n. an Eastern bishop's vestment like the pallium.
ORNITHOPODornithopod n. A type of bipedal, herbivorous, bird-hipped dinosaur from the Cretaceous period, found on all seven continents.
ORNITHOPOD n. a member of a suborder of bipedal ornithischian (bird-hipped) dinosaurs.
PORNOTOPIApornotopia n. A fantasy world in which everyone is ready and willing to indulge in all kinds of sexual activity.
PORNOTOPIA n. a perfect setting for the antics of pornography.
PROMOTIONSpromotions n. Plural of promotion.
PROMOTION n. the act of promoting.
PROPORTIONproportion n. (Countable) A quantity of something that is part of the whole amount or number.
proportion n. (Uncountable) Harmonious relation of parts to each other or to the whole.
proportion n. (Countable) Proper or equal share.
SPOROGONIAsporogonia n. Plural of sporogonium.
SPOROGONIUM n. an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.
SPOROGONICsporogonic adj. Relating to, or possessing sporogonia.
SPOROGONIC adj. relating to a sporogonium, an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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