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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing I, M, 2O, P, S and Y

EPISIOTOMYepisiotomy n. (Medicine) A surgical incision through the perineum made to enlarge the vagina and assist childbirth.
EPISIOTOMY n. an incision made in the perineum to facilitate delivery of a foetus.
HOMOTYPIESHOMOTYPY n. the relation of homotypes.
HYPOCORISMhypocorism n. (Countable) A term of endearment; a hypocoristic, a pet name.
hypocorism n. (Uncountable) The formation of terms of endearment or pet names.
hypocorism n. (Uncountable, rare) Baby talk, such as bow-wow for dog and choo-choo for train.
MICROSCOPYmicroscopy n. The study of microscopes, their design and manufacture.
microscopy n. The use of microscopes.
MICROSCOPY n. the use of the microscope.
MYOPHILOUSMYOPHILOUS adj. pollinated by flies, also MYIOPHILOUS.
MYRIOSCOPEmyrioscope n. A form of kaleidoscope, especially one consisting of mirrors arranged so as by multiplied reflection…
MYRIOSCOPE n. a form of kaleidoscope.
MYSOPHOBIAmysophobia n. An abnormal fear of uncleanliness, dirt, or contamination.
MYSOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of dirt.
POLYOMINOSpolyominos n. Plural of polyomino.
POLYOMINO n. a flat, many-sided shape made of up of identical squares placed side by side.
POLYPIDOMSpolypidoms n. Plural of polypidom.
POLYPIDOM n. a coral, or corallum; also, one of the coral-like structure made by bryozoans and hydroids.
POLYSOMICSpolysomics n. Plural of polysomic.
POLYSOMIC n. a basically diploid chromosome complement, in which some but not all the chromosomes are represented more than twice.
POLYSOMIESpolysomies n. Plural of polysomy.
POLYSOMY n. a condition in which one or more extra chromosomes are present in the cells of the body.
POSTMODIFYpostmodify v. (Grammar) To modify or qualify the previous word or phrase.
POSTMODIFY v. to modify the sense of (a word or phrase) by being placed after it.
PROMISSORYpromissory adj. Containing or consisting of a promise.
promissory adj. (Law, of a contractual provision) Stipulating the future actions required of the parties to an insurance…
PROMISSORY adj. containing a promise or binding declaration of something to be done or forborne.
SYMPHONIONsymphonion n. (Music, historical) A combination of pianoforte and harmonium, the precursor of the orchestrion.
SYMPHONION n. a combination of piano and harmonium.
TOPONYMICStoponymics n. The study of toponyms.
TOPONYMICS n. the study of place-names.
TOPONYMIEStoponymies n. Plural of toponymy.
TOPONYMY n. the study of toponyms.
TOPONYMISTtoponymist n. One who studies toponymy.
TOPONYMIST n. one who studies toponymy, the study of place-names.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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