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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing I, M, N, 2O, P and R

COMPARISONcomparison n. The act of comparing or the state or process of being compared.
comparison n. An evaluation of the similarities and differences of one or more things relative to some other or each other.
comparison n. With a negation, the state of being similar or alike.
COMPORTINGcomporting v. Present participle of comport.
COMPORT v. to conduct oneself in a certain way.
COMPURSIONcompursion n. (Rare) A pursing, as of the lips.
COMPURSION n. (Sterne) a pursing together.
MICROPHONEmicrophone n. A device (transducer) used to convert sound waves into a varying electric current; normally fed into…
microphone v. (Transitive) To put one or more microphones on or in.
MICROPHONE n. an instrument whereby sound waves are caused to generate or modulate an electric current usually for the purpose of transmitting or recording sound (as speech or music).
MONOCARPICmonocarpic adj. (Botany) (of a plant) That flowers and bears fruit only once before dying.
MONOCARPIC adj. having only one ovary; producing one fruit, also MONOCARPOUS.
MONOPRINTSmonoprints n. Plural of monoprint.
monoprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monoprint.
MONOPRINT n. a single print taken from a design created in oil paint or printing ink on glass.
MONOPTEROImonopteroi n. Plural of monopteros.
MONOPTEROS n. a building with single ring of columns supporting a roof.
MORPHOLINEmorpholine n. (Organic chemistry) A six-membered, saturated heterocycle tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine containing four carbon…
MORPHOLINE n. a colourless liquid, formerly used as an emulsifier to provide a glossy coating to waxes.
MORPHOLINOmorpholino n. (Genetics) A structural analog of natural nucleic acid used to modify gene expression, in which the…
MORPHOLINO n. a type of molecule used in altering the development of genes by preventing the access of other molecules.
OMNIPAROUSomniparous adj. Producing all things; omniparient.
OMNIPAROUS adj. producing all things.
OMOPHORIONomophorion n. A band of brocade originally of wool decorated with crosses and worn on the neck and around the shoulders…
OMOPHORION n. an Eastern bishop's vestment like the pallium.
PREDOOMINGpredooming v. Present participle of predoom.
PREDOOM v. to sentence in advance.
PREMONITORpremonitor n. One who, or that which, gives premonition.
PREMONITOR n. one who, or that which, gives premonition.
PREMOTIONSpremotions n. Plural of premotion.
PREMOTION n. a motion or impulse given beforehand; esp. divine action as determining will.
PROMOTIONSpromotions n. Plural of promotion.
PROMOTION n. the act of promoting.
PRONOMINALpronominal adj. (Linguistics, grammar) Of, pertaining to, resembling, or functioning as a pronoun.
pronominal n. (Grammar) A phrase that acts as a pronoun.
PRONOMINAL adj. of or like a pronoun.
SPONGIFORMspongiform adj. Like a sponge, porous, full of holes.
SPONGIFORM adj. resembling a sponge; soft and porous.
SPOONERISMspoonerism n. A play on words on a phrase in which the initial (usually consonantal) sounds of two or more of the…
SPOONERISM n. a transposition of initial sounds of spoken words, e.g. 'shoving leopard' for 'loving shepherd'.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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