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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing I, 2M, P, R, S and U

IMPROMPTUSimpromptus n. Plural of impromptu.
IMPROMPTU n. a short piece of impromptu music.
MICROPUMPSmicropumps n. Plural of micropump.
MICROPUMP n. a miniature pump inserted under the skin to administer a drug.
PERIMYSIUMperimysium n. (Anatomy) A layer of connective tissue which surrounds several muscle fibers into bundles.
PERIMYSIUM n. the connective tissue which surrounds and binds together muscle fibres.
POMOERIUMSPOMOERIUM n. (Latin) an open space around a town within the walls.
PRESUMMITSPRESUMMIT n. a meeting held prior to a summit.
PROOEMIUMSproœmiums n. Plural of proœmium.
PROOEMIUM n. a preface, also PROEM, PROOEMION.
PROSTOMIUMprostomium n. (Zoology) That portion of the head of an annelid situated in front of the mouth.
PROSTOMIUM n. that portion of the head of an annelid situated in front of the mouth.
SPERMARIUMSPERMARIUM n. the male germ gland, also SPERMARY.
SPERMATIUMspermatium n. One of the motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi.
SPERMATIUM n. one of the motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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