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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing I, 2M, O, 2S and T

COMMUNISTScommunists n. Plural of communist.
Communists n. Plural of Communist.
COMMUNIST n. one who believes in communism.
DOGMATISMSdogmatisms n. Plural of dogmatism.
DOGMATISM n. the manner or character of a dogmatist; arrogance or positiveness in stating opinion.
EMOTIVISMSemotivisms n. Plural of emotivism.
EMOTIVISM n. the theory that moral statements are inherently biased.
IMPOSTUMESimpostumes n. Plural of impostume.
IMPOSTUME n. (archaic) an abscess, also IMPOSTHUME.
MAMMONISTSMammonists n. Plural of Mammonist.
MAMMONIST n. one devoted to the acquisition of wealth or the service of Mammon, also MAMMONITE.
MEMOIRISTSmemoirists n. Plural of memoirist.
MEMOIRIST n. one who writes memoirs.
METEORISMSmeteorisms n. Plural of meteorism.
METEORISM n. abdominal cramps and swelling due to flatulence.
METHODISMSMethodisms n. Plural of Methodism.
METHODISM n. methodical procedure.
MIASMATOUSmiasmatous adj. Containing or relating to miasma.
MIASMATOUS adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMATICAL.
MISOGAMISTmisogamist n. A person with a dislike or hatred of marriage.
MISOGAMIST n. one who hates marriage.
MNEMONISTSmnemonists n. Plural of mnemonist.
MNEMONIST n. an expert in mnemonics; a person who exhibits his or her powers of memory.
SUMMATIONSsummations n. Plural of summation.
SUMMATION n. the act of summing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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