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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing I, L, R, 3S and T

CLOISTRESScloistress n. (Obsolete) A nun.
CLOISTRESS n. (Shakespeare) a nun.
DISLUSTRESdislustres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dislustre.
DISLUSTRE v. (archaic) to deprive of lustre.
GLOSSARISTglossarist n. Someone who writes a glossary.
GLOSSARIST n. a writer of glosses or of a glossary.
MISTRESSLYmistressly adj. (Rare, obsolete) Pertaining to the mistress of a home or household.
mistressly adj. (Now rare) Characteristic of a woman who is very proficient in some skill or activity; masterful.
MISTRESSLY adj. like a mistress.
RESISTLESSresistless adj. That cannot be resisted; irresistible.
resistless adj. Putting up no resistance; unresisting.
RESISTLESS adj. (archaic) irresistible.
SERIALISTSserialists n. Plural of serialist.
SERIALIST n. a writer of serials.
SHORTLISTSshortlists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shortlist.
short-lists n. Plural of short-list.
short-lists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of short-list.
SINISTRALSsinistrals n. Plural of sinistral.
SINISTRAL n. a left-handed person.
SISTERLESSsisterless adj. Without a sister.
SISTERLESS adj. without a sister.
SLICKSTERSslicksters n. Plural of slickster.
SLICKSTER n. a dishonest person.
SPIRALISTSspiralists n. Plural of spiralist.
SPIRALIST n. someone engaged in spiralism; loosely, an ambitious person.
SPIRITLESSspiritless adj. Lacking energy, drive, motivation or emotion. Enervated.
SPIRITLESS adj. lacking animation or courage.
SPRITSAILSspritsails n. Plural of spritsail.
SPRITSAIL n. a sail extended by a sprit.
STERILISESsterilises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sterilise.
STERILISE v. to make sterile, also STERILIZE.
STRIFELESSstrifeless adj. Free from strife.
STRIFELESS adj. without strife.
STRIKELESSstrikeless adj. Without strikes (industrial actions).
STRIKELESS adj. without a strike.
STRINGLESSstringless adj. Without string.
stringless adj. Without a hard fibrous strand running the length of one side of the pod.
STRINGLESS adj. having no strings.
STRIPELESSstripeless adj. Without stripes.
STRIPELESS adj. without a stripe.
SULTRINESSsultriness n. The state or quality of being sultry.
SULTRINESS n. the state of being sultry.
THIRSTLESSthirstless adj. Devoid of thirst; not thirsty.
THIRSTLESS adj. without thirst.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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