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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing I, L, 3O, P and T

COLORPOINTcolorpoint n. Alternative spelling of colourpoint.
COLORPOINT n. a breed of domestic cat, also COLOURPOINT.
GOLOPTIOUSgoloptious adj. (Colloquial, dialect, dated) fine; splendid.
goloptious adj. (Colloquial, dialect, dated) delicious; luscious.
GOLOPTIOUS adj. (slang) delicious, voluptuous, also GOLUPTIOUS.
MONOPOLISTmonopolist n. One who has, or attempts to acquire, a monopoly on something.
MONOPOLIST n. a person who monopolizes.
OCTOPLOIDSoctoploids n. Plural of octoploid.
OCTOPLOID n. a cell, organism or form with eight sets of chromosomes, also OCTAPLOID.
OPTOLOGIESOPTOLOGY n. the study of sight.
OPTOLOGISToptologist n. One who studies optology.
OPTOLOGIST n. an optician.
PHOTOLITHOPHOTOLITHO n. (short for) a photolithograph.
PODOLOGISTpodologist n. A podiatrist or chiropodist.
PODOLOGIST n. one who practises podology, the study of the feet.
POMOLOGISTpomologist n. A person involved in pomology.
POMOLOGIST n. one versed in pomology; one who cultivates fruit trees.
PORTFOLIOSportfolios n. Plural of portfolio.
PORTFOLIO n. a case or pair of boards for holding loose papers.
PROTOCOLICprotocolic adj. Relating to protocol.
PROTOCOLIC adj. of or like protocol.
TOPOLOGIEStopologies n. Plural of topology.
TOPOLOGY n. the branch of mathematics that deals with those properties of figures and surfaces which are independent of size and shape.
TOPOLOGISTtopologist n. A mathematician who specializes in topology.
TOPOLOGIST n. one who studies topology.
TROPOLOGICtropologic adj. Alternative form of tropological.
TROPOLOGIC adj. characterized by tropes or figures of speech, also TROPOLOGICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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