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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 7 ten-letter words containing I, L, N, 2P, R and T

LIPOTROPINlipotropin n. (Biochemistry) A pituitary hormone that promotes the metabolism of fat, and is a precursor to the endorphins.
LIPOTROPIN n. a protein hormone of the pituitary gland.
NIPPLEWORTnipplewort n. A flowering plant, Lapsana communis, that yields a milky juice.
NIPPLEWORT n. a yellow-flowered composite herb, formerly used as an external application to the nipples of women.
PALMPRINTSpalmprints n. Plural of palmprint.
palm␣prints n. Plural of palm print.
PALMPRINT n. the print of a palm.
PRENUPTIALprenuptial adj. Occurring before marriage; antenuptial.
prenuptial n. (US) Synonym of prenuptial agreement.
pre-nuptial adj. Alternative spelling of prenuptial.
THRAPPLINGthrappling v. Present participle of thrapple.
THRAPPLE v. (Scots) to throttle, strangle, also THROPPLE.
THROPPLINGthroppling v. Present participle of thropple.
THROPPLE v. (Scots) to throttle, strangle, also THRAPPLE.
TRIPPINGLYtrippingly adv. In a tripping manner, or while tripping.
trippingly adv. In a manner that is lively or fluid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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