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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing I, L, 2N, O, R and S

CORNELIANScornelians n. Plural of cornelian.
CORNELIAN n. a dull red or reddish-white kind of chalcedony, also CARNELIAN.
CRINOLINEScrinolines n. Plural of crinoline.
CRINOLINE n. (French) a stiff fabric made of horsehair and cotton or linen thread, used for linings, hats, etc., and formerly for skirts and to expand a petticoat.
FRANCOLINSfrancolins n. Plural of francolin.
FRANCOLIN n. (French) a bird of the Francolinus genus of partridges.
FRONTLINESfrontlines n. Plural of frontline.
front␣lines n. Plural of front line.
FRONTLINE n. a front line.
INNERSOLESinnersoles n. Plural of innersole.
INNERSOLE n. an insole.
INTERLOANSinterloans n. Plural of interloan.
INTERLOAN n. a loan between one library and another.
LONGICORNSlongicorns n. Plural of longicorn.
LONGICORN n. a kind of beetle with very long antennae.
LONGLINERSlongliners n. Plural of longliner.
LONGLINER n. one that fishes with a longline.
NONPAREILSnonpareils n. Plural of nonpareil.
non-pareils n. Plural of non-pareil.
NONPAREIL n. a fine variety of apple; also, generally, a thing of unequalled excellence; a paragon.
NONRULINGSSorry, definition not available.
NONSERIALSnonserials n. Plural of nonserial.
NONSERIAL n. something that is not a serial.
NORSELLINGnorselling v. Present participle of norsel.
NORSEL v. (obsolete) to fish with a norsel.
PROINSULINproinsulin n. (Biochemistry) A polypeptide that is the prohormone precursor of insulin.
PROINSULIN n. a single-chain polypeptidic precursor of insulin.
ROSANILINErosaniline n. An organic base, C20H19N3, used to make the dye fuchsine.
rosaniline n. The deep red or magenta colour of fuchsine (rosaniline hydrochloride).
ROSANILINE n. a base derived from aniline, with red salts used in dyeing.
ROSANILINSROSANILIN n. a reddish-brown derivative of anilin used as a dye.
SNORKELINGsnorkeling n. The act of swimming using a snorkel.
snorkeling v. Present participle of snorkel.
SNORKELING n. the act of using a snorkel.
SNORTINGLYsnortingly adv. With a snorting sound.
SNORTING adv. making a snorting noise.
SURNOMINALsurnominal adj. Relating to surnames.
SURNOMINAL adj. pertaining to surnames.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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