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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing I, L, M, 2O, R and U

COLOURISMScolourisms n. Plural of colourism.
COLOURISM n. discrimination in which people are judged on the basis of their skin colour, also COLORISM.
DICOUMAROLdicoumarol n. An anticoagulant that functions as a vitamin K antagonist, also used in biochemical experiments as an…
DICOUMAROL n. a crystalline compound obtained from sweet clover hay, also DICOUMARIN, DICUMAROL.
HOROLOGIUMHorologium prop.n. (Astronomy) A constellation of the southern sky, said to resemble a pendulum clock. It lies between…
HOROLOGIUM n. (obsolete) an instrument for telling the time, also HOROLOGE, HOROLOGION.
LIMIVOROUSlimivorous adj. Eating mud or soil for organic matter in it.
LIMIVOROUS adj. feeding on mud.
MISCOLOURSmiscolours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of miscolour.
MISCOLOUR v. to give a wrong color to; (figurative) to set forth erroneously or unfairly; as, to miscolour facts, also MISCOLOR.
MORBILLOUSmorbillous adj. Resembling or relating to measles.
MORBILLOUS adj. pertaining to the measles.
MORULATIONmorulation n. (Biology) The cleavage or segmentation of the ovum by which a morula is formed.
MORULATION n. the process of cleavage, or segmentation, of the ovum, by which a morula is formed.
MULTICOLORmulticolor adj. (American spelling) Having, resembling, or pertaining to many colors.
multicolor n. (American spelling) A display of many colors.
MULTICOLOR n. diversity or plurality of colour, also MULTICOLOUR.
POCULIFORMpoculiform adj. Having the shape of a goblet or drinking cup.
poculiform n. A variety of snowdrop with petals of the same length.
POCULIFORM adj. cup-shaped.
TIMOROUSLYtimorously adv. In a timorous manner.
TIMOROUS adv. of a timid disposition, fearful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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