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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing I, 2L, 2N, S and T

ALLANTOINSallantoins n. Plural of allantoin.
ALLANTOIN n. a crystalline base formed in the nitrogen metabolism of many mammals (excluding primates).
CENTINELLScentinells n. Plural of centinell.
CENTINELL n. (obsolete) a sentinel or sentry, also CENTINEL, CENTONEL, CENTONELL, SENTINEL.
INSOLENTLYinsolently adv. In an insolent manner.
INSOLENT adv. impertinent.
INSTALLANTINSTALLANT n. one who instals another in an office.
INSTALLINGinstalling v. Present participle of install.
INSTALL v. to place in position for use, also INSTAL.
INSTILLINGinstilling v. Present participle of instill.
instilling n. The process by which something is instilled.
INSTILL v. to infuse slowly, also INSTIL.
PLANTLINGSplantlings n. Plural of plantling.
PLANTLING n. a small plant, also PLANTLET.
SCINTILLONscintillon n. The mechanism for particulate-based bioluminescence.
SCINTILLON n. a luminescent body present in the cytoplasm of some dinoflagellates.
SLANTINGLYslantingly adv. At a slanting direction; aslant.
SLANTING adv. SLANT, to deviate from the horizontal or vertical.
TENAILLONStenaillons n. Plural of tenaillon.
TENAILLON n. (French) an outwork to strengthen the side of a small ravelin.
TINSELLINGtinselling v. Present participle of tinsel.
TINSEL v. to give a showy appearance to.
UNINSTALLSuninstalls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uninstall.
uninstalls n. Plural of uninstall.
UNINSTALL v. to remove a program from a storage device, also UNINSTAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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