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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2I, 2N, P, R and T

ANTIPYRINEantipyrine n. (Pharmacology) The drug phenazone.
ANTIPYRINE n. an artificial alkaloid, believed to be efficient in abating fever.
IMPRINTINGimprinting n. (Psychology, ethology) Any kind of phase-sensitive learning (learning occurring at a particular age…
imprinting v. Present participle of imprint.
IMPRINTING n. a learning process in young animals in which their social preferences become restricted to their own species, or a substitute for this.
INTERNSHIPinternship n. A job taken by a student in order to learn a profession or trade.
INTERNSHIP n. the office of an intern.
INTERPOINTinterpoint n. (Typography) Synonym of interpunct ⟨·⟩.
interpoint v. (Transitive, obsolete) To mark with stops or pauses; to punctuate.
INTERPOINT n. the technique of printing Braille on both sides of the paper, spacing the dots in such a way that none counteracts each other.
PANTILINERpantiliner n. (Canada) Alternative form of pantyliner.
PERTAININGpertaining v. Present participle of pertain.
pertaining n. Something that pertains; an appurtenance.
PERTAIN v. to have reference or relation.
PORTIONINGportioning v. Present participle of portion.
PORTION v. to divide into shares for distribution.
PRENTICINGprenticing v. Present participle of prentice.
'prenticing v. Present participle of ’prentice.
PRENTICE v. to place with an employer for instruction in a trade.
PREUNITINGPREUNITE v. to unite beforehand.
REPAINTINGrepainting v. Present participle of repaint.
repainting n. The act of painting something again.
REPAINTING n. the act of repainting.
REPOINTINGrepointing v. Present participle of repoint.
repointing n. (Construction) The process of renewing mortar joints in masonry.
REPOINTING n. the application of new mortar to brickwork.
REPRINTINGreprinting v. Present participle of reprint.
reprinting n. A reprint.
REPRINT v. to print again.
SPRINTINGSsprintings n. Plural of sprinting.
SPRINTING n. the act of running at top speed.
TREPHININGtrephining v. Present participle of trephine.
trephining n. The use of a trephine.
TREPHINING n. a surgical cutting open of the skull.
TRIPINNATEtripinnate adj. (Botany) Having bipinnate leaflets arranged on each side of a rhachis.
TRIPINNATE adj. three times pinnate.
UPTRAININGuptraining v. Present participle of uptrain.
UPTRAIN v. (obsolete) to train up, educate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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