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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2I, M, O, 2R and T

CAMORRISTICamorristi n. Plural of Camorrista.
CAMORRISTA n. a member of a camorra, also CAMORRIST.
CRIMINATORCRIMINATOR n. one who criminates, accuses of a crime.
CRISTIFORMcristiform adj. Resembling a crest.
CRISTIFORM adj. in the form of a crest.
IMMIGRATORimmigrator n. An immigrant.
IMMIGRATOR n. one who immigrates.
MICROLITERmicroliter n. Alternative spelling of microlitre One millionth (10−6) of a liter. Symbol µl.
MICROLITER n. a millionth of a liter, also MICROLITRE.
MICROLITREmicrolitre n. A unit of fluid measure being one millionth (10−6) of a litre. Symbol: μl.
MICROLITRE n. a millionth of a litre, also MICROLITER.
MICROPRINTmicroprint n. (Uncountable) Extremely small print.
microprint n. (Countable) A document bearing a microreproduction of printed text.
MICROPRINT n. a microphotograph of e.g. printed text.
MICROSKIRTmicroskirt n. An extremely short miniskirt with its hemline at the upper thigh, at or just below crotch or underwear level.
MICROSKIRT n. a very short skirt.
MICROTITERmicrotiter n. A titer obtained by the use of very small amounts of reagents.
MORTIFIERSmortifiers n. Plural of mortifier.
MORTIFIER n. one who mortifies.
STRIGIFORMstrigiform n. Any owl of the order Strigiformes.
STRIGIFORM adj. shaped like an owl.
TRAITORISMtraitorism n. Traitorous behaviour; treachery.
TRAITORISM n. being a traitor.
TRICHROISMtrichroism n. The property of some optically anisotropic crystals of transmitting different colours of light in three…
TRICHROISM n. the quality possessed by some crystals of presenting different colors in three different directions.
TRICHROMICtrichromic adj. (Chemistry) Containing three atoms of chromium.
trichromic adj. Of or pertaining to three colours; trichromatic.
TRICHROMIC adj. having normal colour vision.
TRICROTISMtricrotism n. (Biology) The condition of the arterial pulse in which there is a triple beat, so that the pulse curve…
TRICROTISM n. that condition of the arterial pulse in which there is a triple beat.
TRIMORPHICtrimorphic adj. (Zoology) Having three different forms with a clear attribute amongst three animals of the same species.
trimorphic adj. (Botany) Having three different forms of flowers, leaves, or any other attribute on the same plant.
trimorphic adj. That has three different forms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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