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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2I, M, N, O, R and U

DICOUMARINDICOUMARIN n. a crystalline compound obtained from sweet clover hay, also DICOUMAROL, DICUMAROL.
IMINOUREASIMINOUREA n. a strongly basic compound used in organic synthesis, aka guanidine.
LINGUIFORMlinguiform adj. Shaped like a tongue.
LINGUIFORM adj. shaped like a tongue.
MICROFUNGImicrofungi n. Plural of microfungus.
MICROFUNGUS n. a very small fungus.
MIGRAINOUSmigrainous adj. Of, relating to, or afflicted with migraine.
MIGRAINOUS adj. of or like a migraine.
MINICOURSEminicourse n. A brief educational course.
MINICOURSE n. a short course.
MISROUTINGmisrouting v. Present participle of misroute.
misrouting n. An incorrect routing.
MISROUTE v. to route incorrectly.
MUNITIONERmunitioner n. (Military) A manufacturer of munitions; someone who manufactures munitions; a munitioneer.
MUNITIONER n. one who supplies munitions, also MUNITIONEER.
PERIGONIUMperigonium n. (Botany) The sterile parts of a flower; collectively, the sepals and petals (or tepals); the perianth.
perigonium n. (Botany) The modified leaves around the antheridia in a bryophytic plant.
perigonium n. (Dated, zoology) The wall of the sporosac in a hydroid.
REUNIONISMreunionism n. A policy in favour of reunion.
REUNIONISM n. a policy of reunification.
ROUTINISMSroutinisms n. Plural of routinism.
ROUTINISM n. the practice of doing things with undiscriminating, mechanical regularity.
RUMINATIONrumination n. The act of ruminating; i.e. chewing cud.
rumination n. (Figuratively) Deep thought or consideration.
rumination n. (Psychology) Negative cyclic thinking; persistent and recurrent worrying or brooding.
SANITORIUMsanitorium n. Alternative spelling of sanatorium.
SANITORIUM n. a hospital, esp. for tuberculosis, also SANATORIUM, SANITARIUM.
TIROCINIUMtirocinium n. Schooling, apprenticeship; novitiate.
TIROCINIUM n. early training; first experience.
TURMOILINGturmoiling v. Present participle of turmoil.
TURMOIL v. to cause a commotion.
UNIFORMINGuniforming v. Present participle of uniform.
UNIFORM v. to dress in uniform.
UNIFORMITYuniformity n. The state of being uniform, alike and lacking variety.
uniformity n. The absence of alternatives or diversity; sameness.
uniformity n. A collection of identical things.
ZIRCONIUMSzirconiums n. Plural of zirconium.
ZIRCONIUM n. a rare element of the carbon-silicon group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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