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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2I, M, N, 2O and S

BIONOMISTSBIONOMIST n. a student of bionomics, the study of organisms interacting in their environments.
COMMISSIONcommission n. A sending or mission (to do or accomplish something).
commission n. An official charge or authority to do something, often used of military officers.
commission n. The thing to be done as agent for another.
DORMITIONSdormitions n. Plural of dormition.
DORMITION n. the act of sleeping; falling asleep.
IMBOSOMINGimbosoming v. Present participle of imbosom.
IMBOSOM v. to embrace, also EMBOSOM.
IMPLOSIONSimplosions n. Plural of implosion.
IMPLOSION n. the act of imploding.
IMPOSITIONimposition n. The act of imposing, laying on, affixing, enjoining, inflicting, obtruding, and the like.
imposition n. An unwelcome burden, presence, or obligation.
imposition n. That which is imposed, levied, or enjoined.
INSOMNIOUSinsomnious adj. Restless; sleepless.
INSOMNIOUS adj. restless; sleepless.
MINISCHOOLminischool n. A school with a very small student population.
MINISCHOOL n. a small school.
MISCOOKINGmiscooking v. Present participle of miscook.
MISCOOK v. to cook badly.
MODILLIONSmodillions n. Plural of modillion.
MODILLION n. (Italian) an ornamental bracket under a Corinthian or other column.
MOLIMINOUSmoliminous adj. (Now rare, archaic) Momentous, weighty.
moliminous adj. (Now rare, archaic) Laborious, involving or exerting great effort; arduous.
MOLIMINOUS adj. massive; laborious.
MONITORIESmonitories n. Plural of monitory.
MONITORY n. a letter containing an admonition or warning, esp. one issued by a bishop or pope.
MONOSKIINGmonoskiing n. The snowsport involving monoskis.
monoskiing v. Present participle of monoski.
MONOSKIING n. the sport of skiing on a wide ski on which a skier stands with both feet.
MONSIGNORIMonsignori n. Plural of Monsignor.
MONSIGNOR n. (Italian) an honorific title given to a Roman Catholic prelate, officer of the papal court and household, etc.
MORONITIESmoronities n. Plural of moronity.
MORONITY n. the condition of being a moron, also MORONISM.
MOTIONISTSmotionists n. Plural of motionist.
MOTIONIST n. (Milton) a person who is good at making suggestions or recommendations.
MOTORISINGmotorising v. Present participle of motorise.
MOTORISE v. to provide with motors, also MOTORIZE.
OMNIVORIESOMNIVORY n. a practice of eating both animal and vegetable foods.
SODOMISINGsodomising v. Present participle of sodomise.
SODOMISE v. to engage in sodomy with, also SODOMIZE.
SODOMIZINGsodomizing v. Present participle of sodomize.
SODOMIZE v. to engage in sodomy with, also SODOMISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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