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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2I, M, 2N, T and U

AMMUNITIONammunition n. Articles used in charging firearms and ordnance of all kinds; as powder, balls, shot, shells, percussion…
ammunition n. (Obsolete) Military stores, or provisions of all kinds for attack or defense.
ammunition n. (Figurative) Arguments and information that can be used against the other party in a conflict.
DIMINUTIONdiminution n. A lessening, decrease or reduction.
diminution n. The act or process of making diminutive.
diminution n. (Music) a compositional technique where the composer shortens the melody by shortening its note values.
ILLUMINANTilluminant n. Something that illuminates.
illuminant adj. That illuminates.
ILLUMINANT n. that which illuminates or affords light; as, gas and petroleum are illuminants.
IMMINUTIONimminution n. A lessening; diminution; decrease.
IMMINUTION n. a lessening, a decrease.
INHUMANITYinhumanity n. The lack of compassion.
inhumanity n. An inhuman act.
INHUMANITY n. the quality of being inhuman.
INHUMATINGinhumating v. Present participle of inhumate.
INHUMATE v. to bury, also INHUME.
INHUMATIONinhumation n. The act of burial.
inhumation n. The act of burying vessels in warm earth in order to expose their contents to a steady moderate heat;…
inhumation n. (Medicine) arenation.
LUMINATIONlumination n. (Rare) Illumination; specifically, artificial illumination.
LUMINATION n. illumination.
MULTIUNIONmultiunion adj. Involving more than one union, especially more than one trade union.
MULTIUNION adj. comprising many unions.
MUNIFICENTmunificent adj. (Of a person or group) Very liberal in giving or bestowing.
munificent adj. (Of a gift, donation, etc.) Very generous; lavish.
MUNIFICENT adj. generous, liberal.
MUNITIONEDmunitioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of munition.
MUNITION v. to furnish with war material.
MUNITIONERmunitioner n. (Military) A manufacturer of munitions; someone who manufactures munitions; a munitioneer.
MUNITIONER n. one who supplies munitions, also MUNITIONEER.
NUMINOSITYnuminosity n. Quality of being numinous.
RUMINATINGruminating v. Present participle of ruminate.
ruminating n. An act of pondering over, meditation, or reflection.
RUMINATE v. to chew again.
RUMINATIONrumination n. The act of ruminating; i.e. chewing cud.
rumination n. (Figuratively) Deep thought or consideration.
rumination n. (Psychology) Negative cyclic thinking; persistent and recurrent worrying or brooding.
TRIENNIUMStrienniums n. Plural of triennium.
TRIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of three years.
UNMERITINGunmeriting adj. Not meriting; undeserving.
UNMERITING adj. undeserving.
UNMITERINGunmitering v. Present participle of unmiter.
UNMITER v. to depose from the rank of bishop, also UNMITRE.
UNTRIMMINGuntrimming v. Present participle of untrim.
UNTRIM v. to strip of trimming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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