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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2I, 2L, R and 2T

GRATILLITYGRATILLITY n. (Shakespeare) a small gratuity.
ILLITERATEilliterate adj. Unable to read and write.
illiterate adj. Having less than an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature, or having little formal education.
illiterate adj. Not conforming to prescribed standards of speech or writing.
INTERTILLSINTERTILL v. to cultivate between the rows (of a crop).
LITERALISTliteralist n. A person who adheres to the literal representation of a statement or law.
literalist n. A person who translates a text literally.
literalist n. (Art) One who works in the style of literalism.
LITERALITYliterality n. The condition of being literal.
LITERALITY n. the quality of being literal.
STILLBIRTHstillbirth n. The birth of a dead fetus; the delivery of an infant which is dead at birth.
stillbirth n. (Medicine) The birth of a dead fetus after 20 weeks of gestation.
still-birth n. Alternative spelling of stillbirth.
THRILLIESTthrilliest adj. Superlative form of thrilly: most thrilly.
THRILLY adj. full of thrills.
TITILLATORtitillator n. A person who titillates.
TITILLATOR n. one who titillates.
TORTELLINItortellini n. (Cooking, food) small, ring-shaped pasta, stuffed with meat, cheese etc; eaten with a sauce or in a soup.
tortellini n. Plural of tortellino.
TORTELLINI n. (Italian) small stuffed pasta dumplings, also TORTELLI.
TRIALLISTStriallists n. Plural of triallist.
TRIALLIST n. a person taking part in a trial or test, also TRIALIST.
TRILITERALtriliteral adj. Of word roots in Afroasiatic languages: consisting of three letters.
triliteral n. A word root in an Afroasiatic language that consists of three letters.
TRILITERAL adj. consisting of three letters.
TRILLIONTHtrillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number one trillion.
trillionth n. The person or thing in the trillionth position.
trillionth n. One of a trillion equal parts of a whole.
TRIPLETAILtripletail n. Any fish of the genus Lobotes.
triple-tail n. Alternative form of tripletail (Lobotes spp.).
TRIPLETAIL n. a large marine bony fish, common on the southern and middle coasts of the United States.
TRITICALLYtritically adv. (Obsolete) tritely.
TRITICAL adv. trite; common.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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