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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 3I, 2N and 2T

INCITATIONincitation n. The act of inciting or moving to action.
incitation n. (Obsolete) Something that incites to action; a stimulus or incentive.
INCITATION n. the act of inciting.
INDISTINCTindistinct adj. (Of an image etc) not clearly defined or not having a sharp outline; faint or dim.
indistinct adj. (Of a thought, idea etc) hazy or vague.
indistinct adj. (Of speech) difficult to understand through being muffled or slurred.
INFINITANTinfinitant adj. (Obsolete, rare) Serving to negate.
INFINITANT adj. denoting merely negative attribution.
INFINITATEinfinitate v. (Transitive) To make infinite.
INFINITATE v. to make infinite.
INITIATINGinitiating v. Present participle of initiate.
INITIATE v. to begin or start.
INITIATIONinitiation n. The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced.
initiation n. The form or ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society; mode of entrance into an organized…
initiation n. (Chemistry) The first step of transcription or of transduction.
INTIMATINGintimating v. Present participle of intimate.
INTIMATE v. to make known indirectly.
INTIMATIONintimation n. The act of intimating.
intimation n. The thing intimated.
intimation n. Announcement; declaration.
INTINCTIONintinction n. The act of steeping or soaking the bread (or ’body’ of Christ) in the wine (or ’blood’ of Christ) so…
intinction n. (Obsolete) The act of tingeing or dyeing.
INTINCTION n. a mode of administering communion by dipping bread into wine.
INTITULINGintituling v. Present participle of intitule.
INTITULE v. to give a right to, also ENTITLE, INTITLE.
INTUITIONSintuitions n. Plural of intuition.
INTUITION n. the power of the mind by which it immediately perceives the truth of things without reasoning or analysis.
INTWISTINGintwisting v. Present participle of intwist.
INTWIST v. to twist together, also ENTWIST.
INVITATIONinvitation n. The act of inviting; solicitation; the requesting of a person’s company.
invitation n. A document or verbal message conveying an invitation.
invitation n. Allurement; enticement.
TENDINITIStendinitis n. Inflammation of a tendon.
TENDINITIS n. inflammation of a tendon, also TENDONITIS.
TRINITRINSTRINITRIN n. glyceryl trinitrate, used to treat angina pectoris.
UNINITIATEuninitiate n. One who has not been initiated; an outsider.
uninitiate n. One who is not experienced.
UNINITIATE n. one who is not an initiate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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