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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing 3I, M, O, R and T

DIGITIFORMdigitiform adj. Having the shape of a finger.
DIGITIFORM adj. shaped like a finger.
DIGITORIUMdigitorium n. A small keyboard used by pianists for exercising the fingers, without producing any sound; a dumb piano.
DIGITORIUM n. (Latin) a silent piano for practicing.
FORTISSIMIfortissimi n. Plural of fortissimo.
FORTISSIMO n. a very loud passage in music.
MIAROLITICmiarolitic adj. (Mineralogy) Being or pertaining to a crystal-lined irregular cavity or vug most commonly found in granitic…
MIAROLITIC adj. having irregular cavities into which the constituent minerals of the rock project with perfectly terminated crystals.
MICROLITICmicrolitic adj. Of or relating to microlite.
MICROLITIC adj. of or like microlite, a rare mineral of resinous luster and high specific gravity.
MINORITIESminorities n. Plural of minority.
MINORITY n. the fact of being little or less.
RIMOSITIESrimosities n. Plural of rimosity.
RIMOSITY n. the state of being rimose, full of cracks.
TIROCINIUMtirocinium n. Schooling, apprenticeship; novitiate.
TIROCINIUM n. early training; first experience.
TRIDOMINIATRIDOMINIUM n. (Latin) threefold rule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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