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There are 15 words containing I, M, P, 2U and Y

UROPYGIUMuropygium n. The posterior part of a bird’s body from which the tailfeathers grow.
UROPYGIUM n. the rump of a bird which supports the tail feathers.
UROPYGIUMSUROPYGIUM n. the rump of a bird which supports the tail feathers.
BUMPTIOUSLYbumptiously adv. In a bumptious manner.
BUMPTIOUS adv. offensively conceited or self-assertive.
IMPETUOUSLYimpetuously adv. In an impetuous manner; with sudden force.
IMPETUOUS adv. tending to act in a rash or impulsive manner.
SUMPTUOSITYsumptuosity n. Expensiveness; costliness; sumptuousness.
SUMPTUOSITY n. the quality of being sumptuous.
IMPECUNIOUSLYimpecuniously adv. In an impecunious manner.
IMPECUNIOUS adv. without money; penniless.
PROMISCUOUSLYpromiscuously adv. In a promiscuous manner.
PROMISCUOUS adv. composed of all sorts of persons or things.
SCRUMPTIOUSLYscrumptiously adv. In a scrumptious manner.
SCRUMPTIOUS adv. delightful, delicious.
SUPERHUMANITYsuperhumanity n. The state or condition of being superhuman.
SUPERHUMANITY n. the state of being superhuman.
COMPUNCTIOUSLYcompunctiously adv. With compunction.
COMPUNCTIOUS adv. arising from remorse or regret.
SCEUOPHYLACIUMsceuophylacium n. The repository of the sacred vessels in the Greek church.
SCEUOPHYLACIUM n. a sacristy.
PSEUDOMUTUALITYPSEUDOMUTUALITY n. a relationship between two persons in which conflict of views or opinions is solved by simply ignoring it.
PUSILLANIMOUSLYpusillanimously adv. In a pusillanimous manner.
PUSILLANIMOUS adv. lacking courage, timid.
SUPERINCUMBENCYsuperincumbency n. The quality of being superincumbent.
SUPERINCUMBENCY n. the state of lying on top of, also SUPERINCUMBENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 196 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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