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There are 16 words containing I, 2M, S, U and V

MIMIVIRUSmimivirus n. A virus, of the genus Mimivirus, associated with some amoebas; it has a very large capsid and complex genome.
mimivirus n. Ellipsis of Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus (“APMV”).
Mimivirus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Mimiviridae.
MOSCOVIUMmoscovium n. The chemical element with atomic number 115.
MOSCOVIUM n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
SUMMATIVEsummative adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by summation.
summative adj. (Education) Denoting forms of assessment used to quantify educational outcomes.
SUMMATIVE adj. relating to summation, the act of summing.
MOSCOVIUMSMOSCOVIUM n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
COMPLUVIUMSCOMPLUVIUM n. (Latin) a space left unroofed over the court of a Roman dwelling, through which the rain fell into the impluvium or cistern.
MIMIVIRUSESmimiviruses n. Plural of mimivirus.
MIMIVIRUS n. a genus of virus, one of the largest and most complex known.
SEMPERVIVUMsempervivum n. Any of the genus Sempervivum of succulent plants, the houseleeks or liveforevers.
Sempervivum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Crassulaceae – the houseleeks etc.
SEMPERVIVUM n. a plant, the houseleek.
CONSUMMATIVEconsummative adj. Serving to consummate or complete.
CONSUMMATIVE adj. serving to consummate.
LIVERMORIUMSLIVERMORIUM n. a transuranic element produced by bombarding curium with calcium-20 ions.
MENDELEVIUMSMENDELEVIUM n. an unstable radioactive element discovered in 1955.
MULTIVOLUMESSorry, definition not available.
SEMPERVIVUMSsempervivums n. Plural of sempervivum.
SEMPERVIVUM n. a plant, the houseleek.
MULTIVITAMINSmultivitamins n. Plural of multivitamin.
MULTIVITAMIN n. a pill containing several vitamins.
DEMISEMIQUAVERdemisemiquaver n. (Music) A thirty-second note, drawn as a crotchet with three tails.
DEMISEMIQUAVER n. a 1/32 note in music.
COMMUTATIVITIEScommutativities n. Plural of commutativity.
COMMUTATIVITY n. the property of being commutative.
DEMISEMIQUAVERSdemisemiquavers n. Plural of demisemiquaver.
DEMISEMIQUAVER n. a 1/32 note in music.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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