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There are 20 words containing I, L, 2O, V and W

DEVILWOODdevilwood n. A tree (Cartrema americana, syn. Osmanthus americanus), allied to the European olive.
DEVILWOOD n. a kind of tree, allied to the European olive.
DEVILWOODSdevilwoods n. Plural of devilwood.
DEVILWOOD n. a kind of tree, allied to the European olive.
LOVEWORTHIESLOVEWORTHY n. a person worthy of being loved.
OLIVEWOODolivewood n. The wood of the olive tree.
olivewood n. Any of several ornamental trees of the genus Cassine.
OLIVEWOOD n. the wood of the olive tree.
OLIVEWOODSolivewoods n. Plural of olivewood.
OLIVEWOOD n. the wood of the olive tree.
OVERBLOWINGoverblowing v. Present participle of overblow.
OVERBLOW v. to give excess importance to.
OVERBLOWINGSSorry, definition not available.
OVERFLOWINGoverflowing n. Overflow.
overflowing v. Present participle of overflow.
OVERFLOWING adj. abundant to excess.
OVERFLOWINGLYoverflowingly adv. So as to overflow; very excessively or generously.
OVERFLOWING adv. abundant to excess.
OVERFLOWINGSoverflowings n. Plural of overflowing.
OVERFLOWING n. the act of overflowing.
OVERPOWERINGLYoverpoweringly adv. In an overpowering manner.
OVERPOWERING adv. OVERPOWER, to overcome or reduce to helplessness.
OVERWITHHOLDoverwithhold v. (Finance) To withhold an excess amount of tax for an employee etc., the excess being refunded at a later stage.
OVERWITHHOLD v. to withhold excessively.
OVERWITHHOLDINGoverwithholding v. Present participle of overwithhold.
OVERWITHHOLD v. to withhold excessively.
OVERWITHHOLDSoverwithholds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overwithhold.
OVERWITHHOLD v. to withhold excessively.
VOWELISATIONvowelisation n. Alternative spelling of vowelization.
VOWELISATION n. the process of vowelising, also VOWELIZATION.
VOWELISATIONSvowelisations n. Plural of vowelisation.
VOWELISATION n. the process of vowelising, also VOWELIZATION.
VOWELIZATIONvowelization n. (Linguistics) In Arabic and Hebrew - supplying the vowels (diacritics), normally not written to show…
VOWELIZATION n. the process of vowelizing, also VOWELISATION.
VOWELIZATIONSvowelizations n. Plural of vowelization.
VOWELIZATION n. the process of vowelizing, also VOWELISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 234 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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