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There are 20 words containing I, 2L, R, U and X

UXORIALLYuxorially adv. In an uxorial fashion.
UXORIAL adv. of or relating to a wife.
UXORILOCALuxorilocal adj. (Anthropology) Matrilocal.
UXORILOCAL adj. living in or near the wife's home or community after marriage.
LUXURIANTLYluxuriantly adv. In a luxuriant manner.
LUXURIANT adv. overabundant in growth.
LUXURIOUSLYluxuriously adv. In a manner that involves luxury; in an expensive or indulgent manner.
LUXURIOUS adv. enjoying or indulging in luxury.
MERVEILLEUXmerveilleux n. (Historical) Contemporary names for an extravagantly dressed French fop or ‘fine lady’ of the period…
Merveilleux n. Alternative letter-case form of merveilleux.
MERVEILLEUX n. (French) a fashion extremist.
MULTIPLEXERmultiplexer n. A device that interleaves several activities; a switching device.
multiplexer n. (Computing, telecommunications) A device that combines several input signals into a single output signal.
MULTIPLEXER n. a device enabling a computer to transmit data to many terminals by switching quickly from one user's data to another, also MULTIPLEXOR.
MULTIPLEXORmultiplexor n. Alternative spelling of multiplexer.
MULTIPLEXOR n. a device enabling a computer to transmit data to many terminals by switching quickly from one user's data to another, also MULTIPLEXER.
SUBAXILLARYsubaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Situated under the axilla, or armpit.
subaxillary adj. (Botany) Placed under the axil, or angle formed by the branch of a plant with the stem, or a leaf with the branch.
SUBAXILLARY adj. situated below the armpit.
MULTIPLEXERSmultiplexers n. Plural of multiplexer.
MULTIPLEXER n. a device enabling a computer to transmit data to many terminals by switching quickly from one user's data to another, also MULTIPLEXOR.
MULTIPLEXORSmultiplexors n. Plural of multiplexor.
MULTIPLEXOR n. a device enabling a computer to transmit data to many terminals by switching quickly from one user's data to another, also MULTIPLEXER.
SUBMAXILLARYsubmaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Situated under the maxilla, or lower jaw; inframaxillary.
submaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the submaxillary gland.
SUBMAXILLARY adj. situated beneath the lower jaw, as in submaxillary gland, a salivary gland discharging beneath tongue.
DEMULTIPLEXERdemultiplexer n. (Computing, electronics) A device or piece of software used to separate signals that were previously…
DEMULTIPLEXER n. an electronic device that separates a multiplex signal into its component parts.
INTERSEXUALLYintersexually adv. In an intersexual way.
INTERSEXUAL adv. existing between sexes.
MERVEILLEUXESMERVEILLEUX n. (French) a fashion extremist.
DEMULTIPLEXERSdemultiplexers n. Plural of demultiplexer.
DEMULTIPLEXER n. an electronic device that separates a multiplex signal into its component parts.
INTERTEXTUALLYintertextually adv. In an intertextual manner.
INTERTEXTUAL adv. of or like an intertext.
SUBMAXILLARIESSUBMAXILLARY n. the submaxillary gland.
SUPRAMAXILLARYsupramaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Situated over the lower jaw.
supramaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the upper jaw.
supramaxillary n. (Anatomy) The superior maxillary, or upper jawbone.
ULTRAEXCLUSIVEultraexclusive adj. Particularly exclusive.
ULTRAEXCLUSIVE adj. extremely exclusive.
EXTRAJUDICIALLYextrajudicially adv. Outside of the legal system.
EXTRAJUDICIAL adv. not forming a valid part of regular legal proceedings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 270 words
  • Scrabble in French: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 287 words

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